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Cascio, Roy To The Pacific
Roy Cascio's parents were devastated when he was drafted in 1943. He had just turned 18. They were great people and...
Lochra, Albert Training
Albert Pultz Lochra, Jr.'s father had been in World War 1. His brother went overseas on the Aquitania [Annotator's Note...
Cole, Edward Training and Deployment
Edward C. Cole [Annotator’s Note: after being drafted into the Army in 1942] spent two days at Fort Dix [Annotator's...
Saylor, Herbert Training and Deployment
Herbert Saylor was drafted shortly after graduating from high school. His father and sister brought Saylor to the train...
Maddox, Claire Training and Deployment
When Claire Maddox went into the service [Annotator's Note: in the summer of 1943], he had the option to pick any of...
Dorris, James Training and Deployment
When James F. Dorris, Jr. first went into the service, he took tests to see what he was qualified for. He was put into...
Connelly, William Training and Going Overseas
In February 1943, Bill Connelly was inducted into the Army at Indiantown Gap [Annotator's Note: Fort Indiantown Gap in...
Hackler, Maurice "Hack" Training and Instruction
On the morning of Sunday, 7 December 1941, Maurice Hackler and a friend were driving to a wildlife area to go rabbit...
Taylor, Amelia Training and Life on Base
Amelia Taylor had trained at Bethesda [Annotator's Note: Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda,...
Winnier, Lawrence Training and Life on Ship
Lawrence Winnier's boot camp [Annotator's Note: in the US Navy] was being taught how to set a table and make beds. They...
Beamish, William Training and Military Duty Stateside
In October 1942, William S. “Bill” Beamish enlisted in the Army Air Corps and was inducted in San Pedro [Annotator’s...
Hastings, Wilford Training and Overseas
Wilford E. Hastings drafted into the Army in 1943 and was sent to Chattanooga, Tennessee for induction. He was then...
Rickel, Robert Training and Patrol Duty
On 20 October 1942, Robert "Bob" Rickel began his military experience at Fort Dix [Annotator's Note: in Trenton, New...
Dietrick, Alfred Training and Pearl Harbor
The only time Alfred Dietrick was concerned about what he had gotten into was when he would go to the movies and see...
Evensen, Janice Training and the Link Trainer
Janice Evenson returned home. She got on the railroad and joined a group of women who were going to boot camp. They...
Forstall, Earl Training as a Crew Chief
Earl Forstall is from New Orleans, Louisiana. He was studying mechanical engineering at Tulane University when the war...
Steinfeld, Manfred Training at Camp Ritchie and Deployment
Manfred Steinfeld was not a citizen of the United States [Annotator's Note: having emigrated from Germany in 1938] and...
Ammerman, Gale Training for D-Day
Gale Ammerman went to England just after Christmas 1943. He went to Scotland first. He about froze to death even...
Biondo, Frank Training for Engineering
Frank Biondo went to Fort Warren, Wyoming [Annotator's Note: now Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming...
Karpay, Irwin Training for the Armed Guard
I. J. Karpay was born in Brooklyn, New York [Annotator's Note: Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs in New York, New...
Thomas, Kenneth Training for War
Kenneth F. Thomas reported to Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia for induction [Annotator's Note: he had been drafted into the...
Hogan, Ralph Training for War
Ralph Francis Hogan was born in February 1924 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was one of ten children. His dad owned his...
Cross, William Training for War
William V. Cross was born in September 1922 in Memphis, Tennessee. He grew up with one brother and a family that moved...
Wayne, William Training in Hawaii
William Wayne left the United States for the first time and it was not scary, but it was different. They made their way...
Dendy, Lloyd Training in Hawaii and Deployment to Australia
Lloyd Dendy went from San Diego [Annotator's Note: San Diego, California] to Oahu, Hawaii to the old Camp Catlin which...
Gackenbach, Russell Training in the Air Corps
Russell Gackenbach served in the Air Force as a navigator on B-29 [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-29 Superfortress very...
Broussard, Willis Training in the Air Force
Willis Broussard was born in May 1927 in Lafayette, Louisiana. His family had a small farm which he helped work with...
Melancon, Addy Training in the Army
Addy Melancon was born on in July 1922 in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana on a farm. His family raised cattle, hogs, and...
Breard, Reneau Training in the Army
Reneau Breard served with the 504th Parachute Infantry [Annotator’s Note: 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd...
Petrus, Andrew Training in the Army
[Annotator's Note: While he was living in Detroit, Michigan and working as a streetcar driver,] Andrew Petrus received...
Kent, Edward Training in the Army
Edward F. Kent was born in November 1917 and grew up in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He attended a one-room school and...
Knippers, Willie Training in the Army
[Annotator’s Note: Someone is coughing in the background throughout this segment.] Willie D. Knippers was born in Pike...
Castaing, Albert Training in the Army Air Corps
[Annotator’s Note: Can hear paper ruffling in the background throughout this segment.] Albert Castaing was born in New...
Cook, Norman Training in the Army Air Corps
Norman Cook was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in November 1923. His father was a bookkeeper before the Great...
Sussman, Marvin Training in the Cavalry
In October 1942, Marvin Sussman chose to join the cavalry with thoughts of World War 1 in mind and hoped that the...
Momi, Harry Training in the Infantry
Harry Robert Momi was born in October 1924 in Stockton, California with one older sister. He was raised by his parents...
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