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Concentration camps
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Zingheim, John Nordhausen Concentration Camp
Dr. John Julien Zingheim does not remember going to Cologne [Annotator's Note: Cologne or Köln, Germany], but thinks he...
Moskin, Alan Nuremberg War Crimes Trial
When Alan Moskin was on occupation duty [Annotator's Note: in Europe from 8 May 1945 to 1 March 1946] the Nuremberg War...
Bassett, Billy Occupation duty
Billy P. Bassett and his unit [Annotator's Note: 11th Armored Division] were put on guard duty at the concentration...
Peer, Wayne Occupation Duty
While in Innsbruck [Annotator's Note: Innsbruck, Austria], Wayne Peer and the men in his platoon [Annotator's Note: I...
Sapp, Walter Occupation Duty
Walter Sapp was part of the occupying force [Annotator's Note: in Berlin, Germany] and they had a non-fraternization...
Reitman, Seymour Occupation Duty
Seymour Reitman was near Regensburg, Austria, when Roosevelt [Annotator's Note: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd...
League, Ray Occupation Duty
Soon after the war, Ray League's involvement with the 65th Infantry Division ended. The division was disbanded, and he...
Lee, James Occupation Duty in Germany
James Lee went to Dachau [Annotator's Note: Dachau concentration camp complex near Dachau, Germany] on a tour. He can...
Bornstein, Jack Occupation in Europe
After the war in Europe ended, Jack Bornstein was sent to the Dora-Nordhausen forced labor camp [Annotator’s Note:...
Leavy, Eugene Occupation in Germany
After meeting his future wife and her German family, Eugene T. Leavy began to understand the geo-politics of Europe and...
Gehlen, Wilhelm Occupation of Viersen and German Propaganda
[Annotator's Note: Wilhelm Gehlen was a boy growing up in Viersen, Germany during World War 2.]. Wilhelm Gehlen...
Burrus, William Only 20 Years Old
William Burrus was only 20 years old when he returned from the war. You have to do what you do, and it is all you can...
Spint, Robert Opinions of Germans
Robert Spint saw a concentration camp and had opinions of the Germans. His grandfather was from Germany and was injured...
Taffel, Nathan Outbreak of War
Nathan Taffel was in Poland at the outbreak of war in September 1939. He and his family hid in the basement as they...
Kaufman, Luna Outbreak of War and the Ghetto
Luna Kaufman and her family lost their money when the war broke out [Annotators Note: the Germans invaded Poland on 1...
Tomkiewicz, Micha Palestine, Americans and His Odds of Survival
Micha Tomkiewicz was on a train from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp to Theresienstadt [Annotator's Note: a...
Komito, Joseph Parents, Friends and Reflections
Joseph Komito saw his parents for the last time on a train. The Nazis gave everyone in Komito's camp a postcard to send...
Rothenberg, Judith Paris and Free France
Judith Rothenberg [Annotator's Note: a Belgian Jewish child at the time of the war] arrived in Paris [Annotator's Note...
Altmann, Judith Persecution at the Hands of the Hungarians
Judith Altmann was the last of the Bohrer children at home. Earlier, she might have left with the Kindertransport, but...
Zolkower, Maurice "Murray" Postwar
Maurice Zolkower had promised to marry his girlfriend, so he finalized the nuptials in six weeks [Annotator’s Note:...
Friedenberg, Bernard Postwar
Bernard Friedenberg passed through Camp Lucky Strike on his way home after the war. He remembers passing the Statue of...
Pbert, Herman Postwar and Closing Thoughts
Herman Pbert did not talk much about his World War 2 experience with anyone until about ten years ago [Annotator's Note...
Del Monte, Jack Postwar and Reflections
Jack Albert Del Monte felt great returning home after the war. He had been away for 30 months. He was a replacement for...
Segal, Harvey Postwar and Reflections
Harvey Segal had no problem transitioning back to being a civilian. He did have a difficult time finding a preferred...
Goldstein, Rosette Postwar Journeys to Germany
Rosette Goldstein went to Germany to accompany her mother premised on her going to where her father was murdered in...
Rubin, Mark Postwar Life
Mark Rubin recently had a meeting in his house of 25 to 30 people for the Holocaust Museum [Annotator's Note: United...
Lazinger, Sol Postwar Life
Sol Lazinger did not have a girlfriend while he was in the service. He did enjoy one nurse while he was in a hospital...
Leskovic, Elvia Postwar Life
Elvira Maria Katarina Algermissen Leskovec notes that the rebuilding [Annotator's Note: of Germany] after the war was...
Pipes, Richard Postwar Life and Career
Richard Pipes said he and his family didn't learn about the Holocaust until after the war. The information came partly...
Aldouby, Sara Postwar Life and Military Service
After being liberated from the concentration camps, Sara Aldouby's father wanted to go to Israel while her mother...
Hartzell, Frank Postwar Life and Service
Frank Hartzell received leave and went to the French Rivera after the war. He saw Cologne and witnessed its total...
Nathanson, Eva Postwar Life in Budapest
One day, Eva Nathanson's mother received a letter and went away for a few days. Her uncle was a phycologist that ran...
Stern, Guy Preparing for War in Europe
In 1944, Guy Stern and his unit were broken into six-man intelligence teams. They were on an Australian fruit boat, the...
Ronson, Harold Prewar Life and Brothers at War
Harold Ronson was born in Brooklyn, New York [Annotator's Note: Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs in New York, New...
Hayashi, Shizuya Prewar Life and Draft
Shiyuza Hayashi was born near Waialua Sugar Plantation on the west side of the island [Annotator's Note: Oahu, Hawaii...
Bloch, Itka Prewar Life in Poland
Itka Bloch was born in Poland in November 1925. She had four sisters and was the youngest. Her father was a carpenter...
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