Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO)

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From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. LSTs move through the water during amphibious training exercises with the 40th...
LST's [Landing Ship, Tank] unload their cargo on Iwo Jima beaches. Official caption: "LSTs unload their cargo on Iwo's...
Lt. Brett aboard the USS Rutland wearing helmet and Mae West life belt. From donor's notes: "Lt. Brett in battle dress...
"Lt. Christino Refuerzo, 121st Philippino Regt, visits with friends moving to safety of Alacan, Luzon." 27 January 1945
Lt. Col. L.S. Greenwood going over paperwork at his desk at the 251st Station Hospital. "Lt Col Greenwood, CO, 251st...
Lieutenant. Thomas D. Rawlings sits behind his desk and talks on the telephone. "Lt. Thomas Rawlings, supply officer,...
Lumber and sandbags used as a coastal defense position. "Coastal defense positions are prepared at possible attack...
LVT [Landing vehicle, tracked]. "File No. OOR-44971. March 9, 1944. New 'Water Buffalo' joins the Fleet --- These...
LVTs [Landing Vehicle Tracked]/amphibious tanks coming ashore on Iwo Jima Beach, as seen from an unidentified landing...
LVT-79 and LVT-78 [Landing Vehicle Tracked]/amphibious tanks moving ashore during Invasion of Iwo Jima. Official...
LVTs [Landing Vehicle Tracked]/amphibious tanks moving toward Iwo Jima coastline. Official caption:'"Amtracs head for...
LVTs [Landing Vehicle Tracked] or amphibious tanks unloading into ocean from LST-787 [Landing Ship, Tank]. LST-787 has...
LVTs [Landing Vehicle Tracked]/amphibious tanks full of Marines in Pacific Ocean moving toward Iwo Jima coastline...
LVTs [Landing Vehicle Tracked] or amphibious tanks moving toward Iwo Jima beaches. Official caption:'"Assault waves of...
M10 tank destroyer in a jungle with a group of US soldiers seated on it and standing near it; a ¼- ton truck parked on...
"M4 tank of 1st Cav hits mine near Manila." 9 March 1945
Bullet holes in machine gun barrels leaning on supply boxes; bullets exited barrel sides when they got too hot. '"...
Magellan Monument, Umatac, Guam in 1945. "Magellan's Monument. In the village of Telefofo. Erected 1552. Guam 45."
Magellan Monument, Umatac, Guam in 1945. "Magellan Monument."Umatac, Guam in 1945
Major General Charles H. Corlett '"Cowboy Pete", commander of the 7th Infantry Division, speaking to members of the 7th...
Major General Charles H. Corlett 'Cowboy Pete', commander of the 7th Infantry Division, speaking to members of the 7th...
Major General Charles H. Corlett, "Cowboy Pete", commander of the 7th Infantry Division during their attack on...
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Maj. Gen. Rapp Brush, commanding officer of the 40th Infantry Division, looks...
Slide. Single-person, makeshift watercraft grounded by a clothesline at a military camp. Saipan, Northern Mariana...
Male entertainer on stage at USO show. Pacific Theater. 1944-45
Native New Caledonian older man in Western clothing. New Caledonia. 1944-45
Man on road grader, probably plowing snow in Alaska c.1943.
Man silhouetted again Pacific Ocean. Taken on Guam circa 1945.
Man standing with unidentified tanks on platform near river in wooded area, probably Alaska c.1943
Mangled Japanese corpse near truck on Kwajalein. 'W-CPA-44-106-CJ. 2/4. Ellner. One of the Japs who tried to get back...
"Manila burns! Japs set city on fire and retreated south of Pasig River." 5 February 1945
"Manila burns! Japs set city on fire and retreated south of Pasig River." 5 February 1945
"Manila burns! Japs set city on fire and retreated south of Pasig River." 5 February 1945
"Manila from Quezo Bridge." February 1945
