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2019. '11 August 44. Kilian. M-4 medium tanks move into the attack, supporting Infantry troops of 2nd Bn. 422nd Inf....
2010. '11 August 44. Barry. M-4 medium tanks of the 772nd Tank Bn., participate in problem involving use of Infantry-...
2009. '11 August 44. Barry. M-4 medium tanks of the 772nd Tank Bn. 106th Inf. Div. rolls across the fields of Camp...
1172. '4-1-44. Hussey. OQ2A radio plane on retrieving trailer in tow by Jeep at 'Y' range at Camp San Luis Obispo,...
Lt. Bernard J. Mertzweiller and Lt. Elgin S. Scobell have a drink at the tavern in the Hotel DeSoto, Savannah, Georgia...
1170. '3-29-44. Riley. S/Sgt Edgar Gold, Section Chief of Small Arms Section, supervising T/5 Machine Gun Cal 30 HBM2...
1039. '3-29-44. Griggs. Tec 4 Henry Schardien cutting threads for instrument repair in Inst Repair Shop Truck; 549th...
1038. '3-29-44. Griggs. Tec 4 Walt Hiles checking panoramic Telescope for 105mm Howitzer; Tec 4 Henry Schardien...
1217. '10 April 1944. Sharetts. Tech Sgt R.S. Harmer of 549th Ord Heavy Maintenance Co digging into sand which was...
1636. '12 Sept 44. Paik. T/Sgt. W.A. Givos in supply room at 4th HQ. Special Troops, 2nd Army, Fort Benning, Ga. 168-L-...
1637. '12 Sept 44. Paik. T/5 George S. Rossi, sign painter at 4th HQ. Special Troops, 2nd Army, Fort Benning, Ga. 168-L...
"23 July 44. Mark. L to R, T/4 Vernon F. Roberts and T/4 Mel Allen. Sgt. Roberts now with Co A, Academic Regt. at Ft....
1413. '12 July 44. VonStroheim. Tech Sgt. Charles E. Kelly at wall locker in his room at Co. 'B' Academic Regt. Ft....
1414. '12 July 44. VonStroheim. Tech Sgt. Charles E. Kelly - resting on his bed in Academic Regt. Co. 'B' at Fort...
Ten men holding champagne glasses, most are unidentified except for Mr. Andrew Higgins (fourth from left) and one of...
1876. '3-24-44. Boll. 548th Ord H.M. Co. (FA) Repair Line to Ton. Ten ton wrecker being used to remove motor from...
Photograph. Ten US sailors stand together on deck aboard the LC (FF) 571. No date
978. Tent city during training maneuvers. '3-28-44. Zoff. View of pup tents of 710th tank Bn. Showing their tanks in...
Tents and cots at Tent City, Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Tent city for most of us was a nightmare. The dust messed up...
Tents erected in Louisiana field during the Louisiana Maneuvers. 'G-908. Company street. Natchitoches, La. 1940.'...
1284. '28 June 1944. Barry. 60 M M burst 400 yards Test fire by Maj. Wade Tis Test Board 168-L-44-1372.' Army Signal...
1166. '3-30-44. Sharetts. T/4 L.J. Meeker, Patterson N.J.[New Jersey] tests a generator on a 'Weidenhoff Electrical...
1829. '3-22-44. Du Tiel. During a short break, Engrs of C Co look north across the rough terrain to Osborne's Peak,...
1486. '14 July 44. Sharetts. The 1st WAC to hold the rank of Master Sgt. at Ft. Benning, Ga., Sue J. Roller is shown...
2063. '8 Sept. 44 Kilian. 422nd Combat team passing in review for Lt. Gen Ben Lear, Commanding General Army Ground...
2074. '8 Sept. 44 Kilian. Troops of the 422nd Inf Combat Team pass in review for Lt. Gen. Ben Lear during his...
2076. '8 Sept. 44 Kilian. Troops of the 422nd Inf Combat Team pass in review for Lt. Gen. Ben Lear during his...
2077. '8 Sept. 44 Kilian. Troops of the 422nd Inf Combat Team pass in review for Lt. Gen. Ben Lear during his...
1989. '11 Aug 44. Barry. The final phase is ended as troops of the 2nd Bn., 422nd Inf. Regt. close in on the enemy who...
1882. '3-24-44. Boll. 548th Ord HM Co (FA) Repair Line - Ton. 10 Ton Wrecker is used to remove motor from ton truck...
1779. '14 Oct 44. Griggs The 5th Inf team champions of the 71st Div after final game at Tiger Field, Sand Hill area,...
1915. '3-24-44. Boll. 671st Ord. Amm. Co at Jolon. This is the Amm Sub Depot HQ. All paper work on issuing, receipting...
1880. '3-24-44. Boll. 548th. Ord. HM Co. (FA). Carpentry, Leather, Canvas, and Paint shop. This is unit of the Service...
The cold storage plant at Camp Polk, Louisiana on 15 July 1941
The conning tower of the USS LCS(L)(3)-99. "LSC(L) 99 in mothballs at Astoria, Wash." Astoria, Oregon in April 1946
Photograph. View of the stern of the British liner Queen Mary, her decks crowded with American troops returning home...
