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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Singlaub, John Jumping into France
John Singlaub was nervous about parachuting into France, but, even so, his team was not ineffectual. Prior to the jump...
Lesniewski, Joseph Jumping into Holland
Sometime in August [Annotator's Note: August 1944], Joseph Lesniewski and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company E, 2nd...
O'Connor, Robert Jumping into Normandy
Robert W. "Bob" O'Connor [Annotator's Note: a communications sergeant in Company E, 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute...
Bell, Elmo Jumping into Normandy
Elmo E. Bell retired from the US Army as a full colonel. His Mississippi National Guard retired grade is brigadier...
Creek, Roy Jumping into Normandy
Roy Creek remembers the chaos at Normandy [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy, France on 6 June...
Miles, George Jumping into Normandy
George Miles [Annotator's Note: serving with the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division] jumped into...
Lesniewski, Joseph Jumping Into Normandy
[Annotator's Note: Joseph Lesniewski joined Company E, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne...
Lee, Theodore Jumping into Normandy and Postwar Life
After landing at Le Havre [Annotator’s Note: Le Havre, France], Theodore R. Lee was shipped to an airstrip to be flown...
Waldman, Norman Jumping into Normandy and Taken Prisoner
The first combat jump Norman William Waldman and his regiment [Annotator's Note: 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment,...
Williams, Robert Jumping into Normandy in 1994
[Annotator's Note: Robert L. Williams served in the Army as a paratrooper in Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th...
Freeman, Bradford Jumping into the French Countryside
[Annotator's Note: Bradford Clark Freeman served in the Army as a paratrooper in Company E, 2nd Battalion, 506th...
Graham, Chester "Chet" Jumping into the French Countryside
Chet Graham [Annotator's Note: Chester Earl Graham] was in Wollaton Park near Nottingham, England where the townspeople...
Fayerman, Severin Kamionka and then Auschwitz
[Annotator's Note: Severin Fayerman left the defeated Polish Army to work in his family’s factory in Bedzin, Silesia,...
Urice, Joe Kassel, Germany
Joel Urice was assigned to an apartment with another 100th Bombardment Group member in Germany. He had enough points to...
Reynolds, Harley Kasserine Pass
Harley Reynolds’s 2nd battalion was in Faid Pass when the Germans made an attack to penetrate their lines and take some...
Boitnott, Monty Kasserine Pass and War's End
Monty Joe Boitnott thought the strategy was ill advised at Kasserine Pass because they knew the enemy was coming. They...
Dumas, Floyd Killing a German and Being an Escaped POW
After Sicily, Floyd Dumas went to Salerno. The fighting there was not much different than it had been in Sicily except...
Moskin, Alan Killing Germans and Losing Friends
Alan Moskin was a scout. Scouts go in ahead of the outfit to make sure the outfit does not get ambushed. Two men are...
Walker, Mort Killing is not the Answer
While in Italy, Mort Walker had heard about the holocaust but did not know much about it. It was not until later that...
Stern, Guy Knight of the French Legion of Honor
Guy Stern returned to the United States in November 1945. A French count recommended him for a decoration by France....
Willett, Richard Kooks in His Outfit
[Annotator's Note: Richard Willett was in Camp Lucky Strike near Le Havre, France.] They finally left Lucky Strike and...
Mancuso, Frank Korea
Once sent back to New Orleans, Frank Mancuso was assigned as a special services officer [Annotators Note: at Camp Leroy...
Asbury, Richard Korea and Vietnam
Richard Asbury flew both in Korea [Annotator's Note: Korean War, 1950 to 1953] and Vietnam [Annotator's Note: Vietnam...
Childs, Charles "Chuck" Korea, Vietnam, and Retirement
Three years after the Berlin Airlift [Annotator's Note: Western Allies' operation to supply the blockaded city of West...
Lillibridge, John Korean War
After John Lillibridge was discharged from the Army, he had no intention of returning to military life even though he...
Wold, Vernon Korean War
Vernon Wold was infantry in World War 2 and a medic in Korea [Annotator's Note: Korean War, 1950 to 1953]. He went to...
East, Clyde Korean War
Clyde East was in Japan flying missions over Korea three or four weeks after the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950. He...
Britt, James Korean War
James Britt went back to Europe after the war. He was in a field observation battalion. He gathered intelligence about...
Casebonne, Louis Korean War
Louis E. Casebonne was recalled to service during the Korean War [Annotator's Note: Korean War, 25 June 1950 to 27 July...
Snow, William Korean War
William L. Snow remained in the reserves until 1950 when he was recalled into active duty [Annotator's Note: for the...
Bertino, Donald Korean War
After World War 2, Donald W. Bertino returned home as a PFC [Annotator's Note: Private First Class] and joined the Army...
Bala, Walter Korean War and a Leave in London
Walter Bala was called back to service for the Korean War [Annotator's Note: 1950 to 1953]. He had a new car and drove...
Kleindienst, Alfons "Al" Korean War and Family
Alfons Robert Kleindienst would often send canned food and other items to his parents in Germany because they had a...
Walker, Charles Korean War to Vietnam
[Annotator's Note: Charles Walker received his pilot wings on 25 June 1950, just after the Korean War started.] In...
Grimes, Vernon Korean War, Philippines, and Postwar Life
Vernon Grimes wanted to protect his rank, so he joined the Reserves after the war and was called up for the Korean War...
Amram, Fred Kristallnacht
Fred Amram remembers going to the park. His parents talked about their experiences. He has a memory of being hungry....
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