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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland congratulating 5th Armored Division Headquarters personnel in Germany on 24 February 1945
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland congratulating 5th Armored Division Headquarters personnel in Germany on 24 February 1945.
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland in Germany in 1945
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland in Germany in 1945. "Bruno, Entrekin, Phillipsborn, and MacFarland visiting troops between...
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland sitting in chair inside residential library in Germany in 1945
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland sitting in chair inside residential library in Germany in 1945.
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland sitting inside US Army communications truck in Germany in 1945
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland sitting inside US Army communications truck in Germany in 1945.
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland visiting troops between combat in Germany in 1945
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland in Germany in 1945. "Bruno, Entrekin, Phillipsborn, and MacFarland visiting troops between...
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland visiting troops between combat in Germany in 1945
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland in Germany in 1945. "Bruno, Entrekin, Phillipsborn, and MacFarland visiting troops between...
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland with other US officers eating dinner inside a residential dwelling in Germany in 1945
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland with other US officers eating dinner inside a residential dwelling in Germany in 1945.
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland with other US officers eating dinner inside a residential dwelling in Germany in 1945
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland with other US officers eating dinner inside a residential dwelling in Germany in 1945.
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland with two other unidentified officers in Germany in 1945
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland with two other unidentified officers in Germany in 1945.
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland, Jr. of the 5th Armored Division is awarded the Bronze Star by Lt. Grossfeld in Germany in 1945
2117-G-a3-10/25. Lt. Grossfeld. 'Confidential until reclassified by order. Lt. Col. Lonsdale P. MacFarland, Jr. (G-2),...
Lt. Col. Lonsdale P. MacFarland of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Lt. Col. Lonsdale P. MacFarland, G2, 5th AD.
Lt. Col. MacFarland standing near automobile in a bombed street in Berlin, Germany in April 1945
Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland standing near automobile in bombed street. Rubble has been pushed off streets and piled...
Lt. Col. MacFarland standing near automobile in a bombed street where rubble has been piled onto sidewalks in Berlin, Germany in April 1945
MacFarland standing near automobile in bombed street. Rubble has been pushed off streets and piled onto sidewalks,...
Lt. Col. MacFarland with other officers of the 5th Armored Division on 8 October 1944 in France
Officers of the 5th Armored Division on 8 October 1944 in France. MacFarland with other officers. "In the field...
Lt. Col. Marks of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Lt. Col. Marks.
Lt. Elgin S. Scobell in December 1944 in Saint Quentin, France
Lt. Elgin S. Scobell in December 1944 in Saint Quentin, France. "Scobell (Pilot) December 1944."
Lt. Elgin S. Scobell outside his tent in December 1944 in Saint Quentin, France
Lt. Elgin S. Scobell outside his tent in December 1944 in Saint Quentin, France. "Scobell, Dec. 1944, France." Scobell...
Lt. Eugene O. Staffel
"Lt. Eugene O. Staffel. Deep in the heart of Texas. Iceland."
Lt. Hugh Charles Luterick, bombardier, stands in front of the Martin B-26 Marauder "Booger Red II" in 1945
Lt. Hugh Charles Luterick, bombardier, stands in front of the Martin B-26 Marauder "Booger Red II" in 1945. "Hugh...
Lt. Martin Rubin and another soldier cook in a helmet
Photograph. Two soldiers in undershirts, Rubin on the left, cook in a helmet in front of a tent. Location unknown. No...
Lt. Martin Rubin and others fold up a tent during maneuvers, 1943
Photograph. Three soldiers, including Rubin, fold up a tent during maneuvers.Location unknown. 1943
Lt. Martin Rubin poses with a young woman, 1942
Photograph. Lt. Martin Rubin poses with a young woman. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Lt. Martin Rubin, Sept.'42...
Lt. Marx of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Lt. Marx. GI " 5th Armored Division, from Boston.
Lt. Matin Rubin and another man with bottles of wine, 1945
Photograph. Rubin on the left with another man, both sitting in chairs, each holding a bottle of wine. Duplicate of...
Lt. Smith and Lt. Elgin S. Scobell in Rosiers, France in 1945
Lt. Smith and Lt. Elgin S. Scobell in Rosiers, France in 1945.
Lt. Smith in an air raid shelter outside his tent at Saint Quentin, France in December 1944
Lt. Smith in an air raid shelter outside his tent at Saint Quentin, France in December 1944. "Smitty (co-pilot) in our...
Lt. Smith outside his tent at St. Quentin, France in December 1944
Lt. Smith outside his tent at St. Quentin, France in December 1944
Lt. Smith outside his tent at St. Quentin, France in December 1944
Lt. Smith outside his tent at St. Quentin, France in December 1944. "Smitty at home in St. Quenton France, December 1944
Lt. Tapletts at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
"Sol Tapletts, Ohio." Lt. Tapletts at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
M4 High Speed tractor with overturned 8 inch Howitzer
M4 High Speed tractor with overturned 8 inch Howitzer. "Not sure." Europe. Circa 1944
M4 High Speed tractors on autobahn in Germany
M4 High Speed tractors moving 8 inch Howitzers; foreground has sign with "Texas" and an arrow pointing down the road. "...
M4 High Speed tractors pulling 8 inch Howitzer in France
M4 High Speed tractors pulling 8 inch Howitzer through deep mud. "Buchelburg, France." Circa 1944
M5 Stewart tank moves down street with huge crowd looking on, 1945
Photograph. An American M5 Stewart tank with British commando drivers moves down street as large crowds look on from...
MacFarland near cannon of German tank in Germany in 1945
5th Armored Division in Germany in 1945. MacFarland near cannon of broken German Sturmmorser Tiger or Sturmtiger tank...
MacFarland near the cannon of a German tank in Germany in 1945
5th Armored Division in Germany. MacFarland near cannon of broken German Sturmmorser Tiger or Sturmtiger tank with late...
Major Batey of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Major Batey.
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