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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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American military parade in Oslo in July 1945
American military parade down main street of Oslo - Karl Johans gate; American soldiers are marching under gate with...
American military parade in Oslo in July 1945
American military parade down main street of Oslo - Karl Johans gat. "ETO - TFA - 214 - 45." "The fourth again." Oslo,...
American military parade in Oslo in July 1945
American military parade down main street of Oslo - Karl Johans gate. "ETO - TFA - 230 - 45." "Up Kal Johansgate. 4th...
American military parade in Oslo in July 1945
American military parade down main street of Oslo - Karl Johans gate. "ETO - TFA - 222 - 45." "University Place - 4th...
American military parade in Oslo, Norway in July 1945
American military parade in Oslo - proably along Karl Johans gate. "ETO - TFA - 160 - 45." "General Bradley the Russian...
American military parade in Oslo, Norway in July 1945
American military parade in Oslo along Karl Johans gate; American military vehicles drive down road and American...
American military parade in Oslo, Norway in July 1945
Color Guard of an American military parade in Oslo. "ETO - TFA - 231 - 45." "The Colors. The M.P.'s [military police]...
American military parade passing Norwegian King in Oslo, Norway in July 1945
American military parade passing Norwegian King. "ETO - TFA - 161 - 45." "The King [illegible] the review Allied day....
American military parade passing Oslo City Hall in Oslo, Norway in July 1945
American military parade passing Oslo City Hall. "ETO - TFA - 233 - 45." "It's all over and back to Rdhus place Allied...
American military parade passing Oslo City Hall in Oslo, Norway in July 1945
American military parade passing Oslo City Hall. "ETO - TFA - 147 - 45." "I-Co [company] 99th Bn. [Battalion] leads...
American mortar crew advances in Germany in February 1945
American mortar crew advances under cover. 'Signal corps photo ETO-HQ-45-15109 23 Feb A mortar crew of the 20th...
American officer in a train car
Photograph. A soldier in the window of a train car with "OfficersCar" written on the side. Location unknown. No date
American officer standing in an unidentified wooded area
Photograph. American Armored Division Lieutenant standing in an unidentified wooded area. No date
American officer standing in front of barracks building
Photograph. American officer standing in front of barracks building. Unknown location. No date
American officer stands beside unit sign at unidentified base
Photograph. American officer stands beside artillery unit sign "RC 26B" at unidentified base. No date
American Red Cross Casino Club, ETO
Photograph. American soldiers walking along the street outside the American Red Cross Casino Club. ETO. No date
American servicemen and women on V-J Day in Paris, France in August 1945
American servicemen and women celebrate in the streets as Japan surrenders; many hold up newspapers with 'PEACE' across...
American servicemen examining Buchenwald concentration camp barracks, Weimar, 1945
Photograph. An American Army medic and other American servicemen exaiming the bunks in a barrack. Personal caption on...
American servicemen gathering at the Port of Marseilles, France, 1945
Photograph. American servicemen gathering near the edge of a port. Personal caption on reverse: "Troops preparing to...
American soldier behind a 50 calibre machine gun, ETO
Photograph. American soldier behind a 50 calibre machine gun. Unknown location. No date
American soldier Clayton A. Danielson beside truck on snowy road, Belgium, 1945
Photograph. American soldier Clayton A. "Danny" Danielson standing beside truck on snowy road in "Belgium 1945 Jan."...
American soldier Danielson stands in deep snow, Belgium, 1945
Photograph. American soldier standing in snow over his knees. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Belgium 1945 Jan....
American soldier driving a truck
Photograph. American soldier driving a truck. Unknown location. No date
American soldier examines a truck stuck deep in mud in Belgium in November 1944
American soldier examines a truck stuck deep in mud. "ETO-HQ-44-25475. Belfer. 13 Nov. Signal Corps photo. Yank...
American soldier H Koval pitching straw
Photograph. American soldier pitching straw. Personal caption on photo reverse: "H. Koval." ETO. No date
American soldier Harry Koval poses for a picture, ETO
Photograph. American soldier Harry Koval poses for a picture in a wooded area. Unknown location. No date
American soldier holding an 8 inch Howitzer shell in France
Unidentifeid American artillery soldier holding an 8 inch Howitzer shell above his head. "Igny, France." Circa 1944
American soldier holding camera in front of building
Photograph. American soldier holding camera standing next to gas cans in front of a building. ETO. No date
American soldier in a troop train box car in Western Europe, 1945
Photograph. Silhouette of an American soldier in a troop train box car. Personal caption on reverse: "Box car that I...
American soldier in field gear with weapon standing outside tent
Photograph. American soldier dressed in breeches, field gear and campaign hat posing with rifle and roll of clothes...
American soldier in service uniform stands outside on the sidewalk
Photograph. American soldier in service dress poses for a picture in front of a house. Presumably homefront. No date
American soldier kneels with raised rifle
Photograph. American soldier taking aim with his rifle from behind bundled sheaves of grain. Unknown location. No date
American soldier near pup tent in muddy area in October 1944
A GI standing in mud. "ETO-HQ-44-17367. Barth. 11 Oct. Signal corps photo. A GI stands in the mud and water of a half-...
American soldier on a motorcycle
Photograph. American soldier sitting on a motorcycle in front of a row of trucks. Unknown location. No date
American soldier on horseback
Photograph. American soldier on horseback poses for a picture. Fence and cacti in the background. Presumably domestic...
American soldier poses in front of a church
Photograph. American soldier poses holding his camera and helmet in front of a church. A child and dog play in the...
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