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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Gerhard, Winnecken Russia
Winnecken Gerhard was in Russia for some months as a replacement in the Sixth Army. That Army was eventually destroyed...
Stachel, Robert Russia, Italy, and Final Missions
Robert A. Stachel [Annotator's Note: a tail gunner in the 351st Bombardment Squadron, 100th Bombardment Group did a...
Chauvin, Ernest Russians and Germans
Ernest Chauvin and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company M, 3rd Battalion, 272nd Infantry Regiment, 69th Infantry...
Clausen, Elfriede Russians Take Over
Elfriede Clausen grew up in a German village [Annotator's Note: Lindenau, Germany] during World War 2. The Baron of the...
Quigley, Tom Russians/End of War
Tom Quigley remembers how after the war ended, they were able to drive with the lights on their cars turned on. On his...
Farley, Daniel Saarlautern to the Battle of the Bulge
Daniel Farley was hit in the shoulder by a sniper in a church steeple. The Rangers with him shot the sniper. It was not...
Kopp, Alois Saigon, Friendships and Survival
Alois Kopp saw conditions improve when he and other POWs from Burma were brought to Saigon. The local Vietnamese hated...
Higgins, Gordon Saint Die and Selestat, France
Gordon Higgins describes food rations, and continues with his experiences as the war progressed. He said it took 30...
Denius, Franklin "Frank" Saint Lo
[Annotators Note: This segment begins with the interviewer asking Franklin Denius to talk about the build up to the...
Liberato, Louis Saint-Lo to Hurtgen Forest
Louis Liberato arrived in Europe around 18 July 1943 [Annotator's Note: 1944]. The LSTs [Annotator's Note: Landing Ship...
Cassady, William Saipan
William Cassady remembers Saipan [Annotator’s Note: Battle of Saipan, Mariana Islands; 15 June to 9 July 1944] was...
Cassady, William Salerno to Okinawa
William Cassady [Annotator’s Note: serving aboard the USS Frederick Funston (APA-89)] remembers German intelligence was...
Coolidge, Charles San Pietro
When Charles Coolidge was in Italy Patton did not mean a thing to him. Coolidge passed a vehicle with General Patton in...
Guitard, Robert Saturday Night Dances
[Annotator's Note: Robert Guitard was assigned to the Prisoner of War Enclosure 339, Prisoner of War Information Bureau...
Baranek, Martin Saved by a Gold Piece and Marched to Mauthausen
Martin Baranek describes how he and a friend escaped the selection process [Annotator's Note: at the Auschwitz-Birkenau...
Goodkin, Vera Saved by Raoul Wallenberg
Vera Goodkin [Annotator's Note: née Herman] saw Raoul Wallenberg [Annotator's Note: Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg; Swedish...
Morrison, Donald Saved by the New Testament
[Annotator's Notes: Donald C. Morrison served in the Army on a machine gun crew in Company K, 3rd Battalion, 38th...
Rice, Darold Saved in the Foxholes
Reed, Raymond Saving Audie Murphy
Raymond A. Reed went from Reykjavik [Annotator's Note: Reykjavik, Iceland] to Keflavik [Annotator's Note: Keflavik,...
Laborde, Lucien Saving Private Ryan, Premonitions of Death, and Nightmares
To Lucien Laborde, the first 20 minutes of the movie Saving Private Ryan accurately depict what they experienced when...
Childs, Charles "Chuck" Saving the German People
[Annotator's Note: Charles Childs was a pilot during the Berlin Airlift in Germany.] The first time he landed, the door...
Debrick, Arnold Saving Two Young Boys
In April 1945, Arnold Debrick and the 6th Armored Division went into Buchenwald [Annotator's Note: Buchenwald...
Casey, Donald Scary Mission
Donald E. Casey served as a navigator for the 379th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force in Kimbolton, England flying B-17s...
Rickel, Robert Scary Missions
Robert "Bob" Rickel went on a mission to Anklam [Annotator's Note: Anklam, Germany with the 524th Bombardment Squadron...
Bala, Walter Scary Missions
During the mission of 10 January [Annotator's Note: 10 January 1945], Walter Bala's plane was returning to base when it...
Pena, William Schleiden/Wounded by Mines
William Pena and his men took up a position in the town across from what was a girl’s school run by nuns. That morning...
McCowen, William School Boy to Air Force Gunner
William McCowen was born in 1926 in Elmsford, New York. His family moved around frequently because his father worked...
Aalders, Johannes School Life Under German Occupation
Johannes Aalders started secondary school in 1943 [Annotator's Note: in Apeldoorn, Netherlands]. The headmaster had to...
Rickel, Robert Schweinfurt-Regensburg Mission
In August 1943, Robert "Bob" Rickel went on his second mission, the Schweinfurt-Regensburg mission [Annotator's Note:...
Towle, John Scotland and Leave in London
John W. Towle spent time in Scotland after arriving from the United States on the Queen Elizabeth. He rode a train from...
Livaudais, James Screw Ups
James Livaudais remembers some of the men in his company who were not exactly the best soldiers. One was named James...
Simmons, Curt Sea and Shore Duty
The first ship Curt Simmons served aboard was the old Panamanian flagged ship El Murante [Annotator's Note: unsure of...
Stern, Guy Searching for Family
A friend of Guy Stern's had some family in the north of Germany. A month or so after V-E Day [Annotator's Note: Victory...
Ito, Susumus Searching for the Lost Battalion
Susumas Ito explains the events of the Lost Battalion. [Annotator's Note: "The Lost Battalion" was the nickname given...
Casebonne, Louis Secluded Life
Louis E. Casebonne was born in January 1928 in New Orleans, Louisiana. His mother died when he was five years old and...
East, Clyde Second Dog Fight Victory
Clyde East shot down his second German fighter just prior to the Battle of the Bulge near Frankfurt, Germany. He was on...
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