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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Melancon, Addy Postwar and Reflections on the War
Addy Melancon did not take advantage of the G.I. Bill [Annotator's Note: the G.I. Bill, or Servicemen's Readjustment...
Breen, Vernon Postwar Austria
In Salzburg [Annotator's Note: Salzburg, Austria], Vernon Breen participated in a Mass for the Fallen in the city's...
Reilly, Joseph Postwar Career
Joseph Dean Reilly went back to work when he returned home. He could use the GI Bill [Annotator's Note: the G.I. Bill,...
Bell, Harry Postwar Career
After graduating from college, Harry Bell interviewed with a number of business who were then hiring engineers. Bell...
Wainwright, James Postwar Career
With the war ended in Europe, James Eyre Wainwright [Annotator's Note: a second lieutenant in the 326th Bombardment...
Gomez, Hewitt Postwar Career
After World War 2, Hewitt Brian Gomez moved to Lafayette [Annotator's Lafayette, Louisiana] and worked for a catering...
Roed, Harold Postwar Career
Harold Roed spent a year and a half at Saint Olaf [Annotator's Note: Saint Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota], a...
Harrison, John Postwar Career
John Langston Harrison, Jr. was able to cope and made stronger [Annotator's Note: by being underestimated by people...
McBride, Frank Postwar Career
Frank Curtis McBride’s father and uncle had a pattern shop [Annotator’s Note: a pattern shop develops templates and...
Hirsch, Leon Postwar Career
Leon Hirsch enjoyed doing advance theater work for a while but found it not lucrative enough so he took a job as a...
Beal, Harold Postwar Career
Harold Beal did not want to stay in the Navy. He had PTSD [Annotator's Note: post-traumatic stress disorder; a mental...
Ridyard, Herbert Postwar Career
In 1949, Herbert W. Ridyard took a job with NACA, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, which was the forerunner...
Burkle, Henry Postwar Career
Henry Burkle went to the ballistic missile command in California, and then he did top secret contract work. He wanted...
O'Brien, Ryan Postwar Career
Ryan O'Brien had a great homecoming. He had ten days at the Delmar Beach Club in Santa Monica [Annotator's Note: Santa...
Geist, Lloyd Postwar Career and Being Shot At
Lloyd Geist contributes his military and career success to his basic flying instructor, who taught him to feel the...
Danegger, Alfred Postwar Career and Life
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Alfred "Al" Danegger how the war changed his life.] The war changed Danegger's...
Briggs, Norman Postwar Career and Life
Norman Alden Briggs came home in 1946 and married on 7 May 1947. He went to trade school using the G.I. Bill [Annotator...
Spaulding, Arthur Postwar Career and Reflections
Arthur Spaulding's World War 2 experiences had an impact on his career choices. They provided him with an understanding...
Smith, Eben Postwar Career and Reflections
Returning from overseas where he had been in charge of Air Force maintenance instructors, Eben Smith recaps...
Tindal, Sullivan Postwar Career and Relationships
Sullivan Tindal separated from his wife and worked in various road construction projects in Savannah [Annotator's Note...
Chauvin, Ernest Postwar Career and Thoughts
Ernest Chauvin got orders to go to Korea [Annotator's Note: Korean War, 25 June 1950 to 27 July 1953] and spent a year...
Ehlers, Walter Postwar Career and World War 2's Legacy
Walter Ehlers' life didn't end with his military service. He spent 29 years working for the Veterans Administration....
Mock, John Postwar Career in the Oil Industry
After leaving the service, John Mock could not find work near his home so he took a friend's suggestion and moved to...
Waldman, Leon Postwar Careers
Leon Waldman went for a year to NYU [Annotator’s Note: New York University in New York City, New York]. When he entered...
Heim, Henry Postwar Careers
Henry Heim was not bothered by the transition of the Army Air Corps. He fought in other countries because his country...
Cowan, John Postwar Civilian Careers
John L. Cowan's civilian career started out with way too much education. He got the right bosses and became known as an...
Debrick, Arnold Postwar Duty and Reflections
The war ended in Europe, but a lot of people were being shipped out to prepare for an invasion of Japan. Arnold Debrick...
Walker, Mort Postwar Education and Career
Mort Walker then got on a train and went back to Missouri University. He returned to school to complete his journalism...
Simmons, Curt Postwar Emplyment and Education and the Korean War
Curt Simmons was in New Orleans on VJ-Day [Annotator's Note: Victory Over Japan Day]. In order to get discharged, the...
Doss, Arles Postwar Entertainment
Arles J. Doss returned to Europe twice. He visited Italy and Germany on one trip. In the Black Forest [Annotator's Note...
Kenney, Clyde Postwar Europe
Although Clyde Kenney liked the experience of being in the military, he didn't like being shot at. War "got to be a...
Geller, Robert Postwar Europe and Return Home
During the occupation of Germany, Robert Geller mostly waited around to earn enough points to return home for discharge...
Fatora, Jerome Postwar Experiences
After the war in Europe ended, Jerome Fatora was sent to Czechoslovakia to train for the fighting in Japan. While he...
Graham, Marvin Postwar Family
During his service in England, Marvin Raymond Graham dated a young lady named Pat who he had met while on furlough [...
Joyce, Josefine Postwar Germany
Josefine "Piepsi" Joyce was taken to the location where she was arrested by Charlie Kinesley [Annotator's Note:...
Bodis-Wollner, Ivan Postwar Hungary
Ivan Bodis-Wollner's father converted to Catholicism at some point. By Hungarian law, as an under-aged child, Bodis-...
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