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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Mammino, Joseph Overseas to Italy
Following basic training and being part of a cadre at Fort Benning [Annotator’s Note: Fort Benning, Georgia], Joseph...
Black, Jerome Overseas to Italy
Jerome Harold Black went to Fort Sill [Annotator's Note: in Lawton, Oklahoma in February 1943] for about a year as an...
Johnson, Kaare Overseas to Italy
Kaare Allan Johnson spoke highly of Colonel Walsh [Annotator's Note: US Army Lieutenant Colonel Louis A. Walsh, Jr.]...
Guitard, Robert Overseas to Italy
Robert Guitard went to Livorno [Annotator's Note: Livorno, Italy] to a replacement depot. They got news that General...
Weil, Roswell Overseas to Liverpool
Roswell Weil does not recall the ship he crossed the ocean [Annotator’s Note: Atlantic Ocean] on. There was no place to...
Gustafson, Gerald Overseas to Naples
[Annotator’s Note: A washing machine running in the background is audible throughout this segment.] In May 1944, Gerald...
Lodholz, Warren Overseas to North Africa
In June 1943, Warren Leo Lodholz was deployed to North Africa by way of a ship from Camp Kilmer, New Jersey. After 11...
Cheever, Lawrence Overseas to North Africa
[Annotator's Note: Larry Cheever can be difficult to understand at times.] Larry Cheever was transferred to the Medical...
Tweedt, Vernon T. Overseas to Oran
Vernon Tweedt shipped out of New York [Annotator's Note: New York, New York] to go overseas. They did not know where...
Carlson, Donald Overseas to Play Basketball
After basic training, Donald Rudolph Carlson was shipped to Fort Bliss, Texas for training in an anti-aircraft battery...
Kissam, Edward Overseas to the Mediterranean and Joining the Marines
Edward Kissam was assigned to a Liberty ship [Annotator's Note: a class of quickly produced cargo ship], the SS Thomas...
Whiteside, Howard Overseas to the Pacific
[Annotator’s Note: There is a person assisting the interviewee with answering Interviewer’s questions throughout the...
Bertz, Richard Overseas to Utah Beach
Richard O. "Otto" Bertz went to Kansas [Annotator's Note: Camp Phillips in Salina, Kansas] and did training. He then...
Yates, Herman Overseas to Utah Beach
After training at Fort Benning [Annotator's Note: Fort Benning, Georgia], Herman Yates was transferred to a Port of...
Ananian, Stephen Overseas to Wales
Stephen Ananian went to New York City [Annotator's Note: New York, New York]. He was going to fly overseas on a bomber...
Casey, Donald Overseas with his Crew
Donald E. Casey graduated from navigator school and earned the rank of second lieutenant. He was ordered to report to...
Kuwayama, Yeiichi "Kelly" Overseas with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team
Kelly Kuwayama had been used to all of these different types of Americans growing up in New York City. The meeting of...
Gomberg, Clarence "Code" Overseas with the Army
Clarence Gomberg was born in July 1922 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. He had an older brother, but he died at a young age...
Connelly, John Overseas with the Army Air Corps
In 1943, John J. Connelly graduated high school and went to sign up for the Air Corps with a friend of his. He flunked...
Guitard, Robert Overseeing Prisoners of War
Robert Guitard was in Florence [Annotator's Note: Florence, Italy] on Christmas Eve [Annotator's Note: 24 December 1945...
Ramsey, Frank Oversexed, Overpaid, and Over There
Frank Ramsey remembers they had spam sandwiches and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches [Annotator’s Note: to eat while...
Claassen, Gerald Overview of His Overseas Duty
Gerald Claassen reported to Fort Bragg, North Carolina with his new bride, where he was assigned to a cadre for field...
Doi, Jimmy Overview of Prewar and Wartime Experiences
Jimmy Doi was born in Oxnard, California in 1925. Growing up in California was great until the war started. Doi was 16...
Swarts, John Overview of Service in World War 2
John Stanley Lee Swarts was born and raised in Wright City, Missouri in February 1925. He had a brother and three...
Friedenberg, Bernard oving Through Normandy as a Medic
Bernard Friedenberg and his unit [Annotator's Note: Medical Detachment, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st...
Giller, Edward P-38s and P-51s
In the Fall of 1944, Edward Bonfoy Giller, Jr. and his unit [Annotator's Note: 343rd Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter...
Goebel, Robert P-39s, Spitfires, and P-51s
Robert J. "Bob" Goebel says the P-39 [Annotator's Note: Bell P-39 Airacobra fighter aircraft] had a bad reputation. It...
Rice, Darold P-47 and Shelling
Eventually the German fire lifted, and Darold Rice and his men moved on. They later caught a German convoy at a bridge...
Maltbie, Archie P-47 Training
Archie Maltbie arrived in Scotland and was taken to Thatcham. It was an indoctrination station to introduce troops to...
Lederer, Henry P-47 Versus P-51
Henry Lederer started out flying bomber escort and ground support missions [Annotator's Note: with the 374th Fighter...
Asbury, Richard P-47s at the Bulge
Richard Asbury went to Saint-Dizier, France when it was being flooded. He got there expecting to see P-51s [Annotator's...
Brueland, Lowell P-51 Mustang
Lowell Brueland arrived in England from the United States. It was interesting being there. He witnessed beautiful...
Goebel, Robert P-51B Gun Jams
Robert J. "Bob" Goebel and his group [Annotator's Note: 308th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, 12th Air Force]...
Lochra, Albert P-51s and Flak
Albert Pultz Lochra, Jr. is sure the P-51s [Annotator's Note: North American P-51 Mustang fighter aircraft] kept planes...
Bryan, Donald P47 or P51
In 1944, they came out with water injection which added 200 horsepower. Bryan’s planes did not have it and he was a...
Spaetgens, William Pacific Duty
William Leo Spaetgens returned to Treasure Island near San Francisco after his leave at home. At that point, he was...
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