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Loges, Richard Closing Thoughts
Most Americans today do not know much or care very much about World War 2. The education system does not teach children...
McGlaun, DeQuindre Leave in London
DeQuindre McGlaun [Annotator's Note: with the 333rd Bombardment Squadron, 94th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force] got...
Buchert, Cyril A. Early Life
Cyril A. Buchert, Jr. was born in June 1922 in New Orleans. He grew up during the Depression. His father worked as a...
Harold, Paul Enlistment and Deployment
Harold Paul wanted to join the Air Corps [Annotator's Note: the US Army Air Corps, later the Air Forces] as an aerial...
Saloom, Kaliste Into Germany
Kaliste Saloom was attached to the SHAEF [Annotator's Note: Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces], Supreme...
Harris, Oran Occupation Duty in Japan
After spending months trying to kill Japanese, Oran Harris now had to live with them. He felt sorry for the civilians,...
McDonald, Robert Overseas to England
Robert W. McDonald [Annotator's Note: serving in the US Army Air Forces] went overseas in October 1943 on the Argentina...
Niederer, James Texas Boy to Army Man
James “Jim” William Niederer was born in January 1921 in Waco, Texas. He grew up with 5 siblings and his mother died...
Eddy, Sherwin Luzon and Iwo Jima
Sherwin Lansing Eddy and his squadron [Annotator’s Note: Composite Squadron 94 (VC-94) flying from USS Shamrock Bay (...
Hayashi, Shizuya Medal of Honor Actions and Anzio
Shiyuza Hayashi was awarded the Medal of Honor [Annotator's Note: Hayashi was initially awarded the Distinguished...
Holder, Jack War's End
Jack Holder [Annotator’s Note: serving with Patrol Bombing Squadron 103 (VPB-103)] flew missions across the English...
Lewis, Roger Postwar
While in Charleston [Annotator's Note: Charleston, South Carolina], Roger A. Lewis did guard duty at a German POW [...
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