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Wiswell, George Learning to Dive
George Wiswell learned how to dive in the Navy. Wiswell was given a sheet of commands for line pulls under water as...
Singlaub, John Rescuing POWs
John Singlaub returned to Kunming and was met by an officer at the airplane. Orders were received from OSS [Annotator's...
Groel, Marilyn "Marilyn Strelow" Postwar and Reflections
Marilyn Strelow Groel did not feel like she as breaking the gender barrier, she was just happy to be part of the Marine...
Blackwell, David Duties With the 30th Evacuation Hospital
David McKinley Blackwell served as a cook with the 30th Evacuation Hospital in the Pacific Theater. Not only did he...
Manning, Sarah "Sally" Service Stateside
Sara "Sally" Manning's duties at the hospital [Annotator's Note: Manning worked at Naval Hospital Boston, Chelsea,...
Fisch, Robert Early Life
Robert Fisch was born in 1925 in Budapest, Hungary. He grew up there. His mother and father worked long hours each day...
Bassemir, Robert Becoming a Soldier
Robert Bassemir was drafted in the spring of 1943. He was sent to Long Island [Annotator's Note: Long Island, New York...
Ronson, Harold Home and Closing Thoughts
Harold Ronson came home in the late summer of 1946. There was no big band or homecoming. His father had remarried the...
Sutcliffe, Albert Battle of Iwo Jima Landing
Albert G. Sutcliffe and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company F, 2nd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division...
Bachmann, George Recalling the War
The most memorable experience of the war for George W. Bachmann, Junior [Annotator's Note: a waist gunner in the 367th...
Williams, Earl Reflections
For Earl Williams, the war liberated Black people a great deal. There were the Tuskegee Airman [Annotator's Note:...
Loges, Richard Combat in Southern France and Germany
Richard "Dick" Loges was deployed to Europe as a replacement [Annotator's Note: Company H, 2nd Battalion, 180th...
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