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Fienup, Victor Flight Training
There were four phases to Victor Fienup's flight training. Preflight was ground school for two months, primary was half...
Haslauer, Warren Invasion of Bougainville
Warren J. Haslauer took one trip to where the Baa Baa Black Sheep [Annotator's Note: "Baa Baa Black Sheep", later "...
Laborde, John Pearl Harbor and OCS
John Laborde was at home and sitting down to Sunday lunch when he heard of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He was in ROTC [...
Rosenberg, Justus Danzig and the Rise of Nazism
[Annotator’s Note: There is a buzzing in the background throughout this clip.] Justus Rosenberg [Annotator’s Note:...
Groth, Walter Fighting the Japanese
Walter Groth remembers the Jap [Annotator's Note: a period derogatory term for Japanese] fleet came back in on...
Van Kirk, Theodore Missions from England
Theodore "Dutch" Van Kirk continues his discussion of the early B-17 [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress...
Cohn, Marthe Last Thoughts
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks about two ships, the Patria and the Struma that carried Jewish refugees to the...
Ritter, Louise Easy Time in Europe
After World War 2 ended, Louise Post Ritter volunteered to go overseas to Europe as an Army Nurse with her sister. In...
O'Brien, William L. War's End
William O’Brien remembers that they ate well on the battleship. They had a small refrigerator. They checked all the...
Greenup, Rena Early Life in Thessaloniki
Rena Greenup was born in May 1936 in Thessaloniki, Greece of Jewish parents. Her father was a Greek Sephardic Jew and...
Stern, Guy Preparing for War in Europe
In 1944, Guy Stern and his unit were broken into six-man intelligence teams. They were on an Australian fruit boat, the...
Osterhoudt, Ralph Growing up in Hyde Park
Ralph Osterhoudt, Sr. was born in Hyde Park, New York in March 1926 and was one of 12 children. He lived during the...
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