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Henry, Margaret War Years
Margaret Brewer Henry was born in Miami, Florida, but she grew up in Atlanta [Annotator's Note: Atlanta, Georgia]. She...
Pierce, William "Bill" Invading Japan
William Pierce looked at the invasion of Japan as just another battle. His Marine regiment [Annotator's Note: Pierce...
Schicker, Tom Japanese Atrocities and Suicides
Thomas Francis Schicker says the Japanese would put cut off heads, penises, testicles and put them on shafts. They...
Prager, Herman "Dutch" Postwar
Herman Prager witnessed the end of the war while on Midway Island. Following Midway, he sailed to Pearl Harbor for rest...
Rosenbloom, Myers Reflections
Myers Bernard Rosenbloom says that serving in the war was the greatest part of his life. He has a lot of pictures and...
Snyder, Kenneth Prewar Life
Kenneth T. Snyder, Sr. was born in March 1920 in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He was the youngest of eight children and was...
Luers, Harold The War Ends
Harold Luers traveled through Europe during World War 2 [Annotator's Note: with the Regimental Headquarters, 347th...
Mittleman, Harvey Reflections
Harvey Mittleman's most memorable experience of World War 2 was the heavy combat during the first few days on Okinawa [...
Kanter, Joseph Siegfried Line
As the leader of interrogations, Joseph Kanter [Annotator's Note: with 2nd Battalion, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd...
Beard, Oral Training to Overseas Deployment
[Annotator's Note: Throughout this clip, a person off-camera answers a lot of the interviewer's questions or gives...
Curran, Philip Service Discharge
There was a lot more going on in Korea [Annotator's Note: Korean War, 25 June 1950 to 27 July 1953] for Philip Curran,...
Stewart, Roy Reflections
After the war, Roy Stewart stayed in touch with Jack Sims [Annotator's Note: phonetic spelling]. Sims wanted to get a...
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