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Crosby, Thomas Postwar Life and Naval Service
In 1953 Thomas Crosby enlisted in the Navy. He was competing as a diver for the University of Hawaii and attending...
Wolff, Robert Enlistment
Robert Wolff had his first flying experience when he was 10 or 12 years old. He used to make model airplanes for fun....
Lewis, Burton Postwar
Burton Lewis had no experience with the integration of the armed forces following World War 2. When the Air Force...
Nolan, Warren Prewar Life
Warren Nolan was born in November 1923 in New Orleans, Louisiana [Annotator's Note: he later corrects this to Algiers,...
Pedersen, Allen Early Life and Entry into the Military
Allen Pedersen was born in Valley City, North Dakota in May 1916. His grandfather immigrated from Denmark. He grew up...
Loring, Bud Home and Bomber Crews
[Annotator's Note: Bud Loring was in London, England after being rescued in France.] Loring was asked where he wanted...
Ryan, John Postwar Life and Career
[Annotator's Note: The audio level of this interview is very low.] After his discharge [Annotator's Note: in May 1946...
Braitman, Simon High School and US Army
Simon Braitman went to Rochester [Annotator's Note: Rochester, New York] and entered high school right away. He...
Losada, Vincent First Combat Mission and Leave to London
Vincent Losada first mission was on 3 January 1945 to Pfarghium [Annotator's Note: Pforzheim, Germany]. He thought it...
Shima, Terry Postwar Accomplishments of Japanese-Americans
When the war started, there was mass hysteria against anything Japanese. Terry Shima and others were treated like...
Heath, David Back in the United States and Discharge
David Heath was told the Marines could not use a man with a hole in his stomach, so he was shipped back to Camp...
Manasse, Fred Arriving in America
The day after they arrived in Spain, Fred Manasse and his brother caught a train to Barcelona, Spain where they stayed...
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