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Kafka, T. Being a WAC
T. Toby Kafka enlisted in the Women's Army Corps (WAC) in 1944 at the age of 20. Her family, particularly her brother,...
Konen, Mary Being a WAC
Mary Konen worked for a Jewish dentist [Annotator’s Note: named Dr. Behrman] who performed dentistry work on German...
Training as a WAC for a Few Days
Bartley, Irene Training to be a WAC
Irene Bartley was born in December 1923 in Seattle [Annotator’s Note: Seattle, Washington]. She and her twin sister...
Davis, Romay Returning Home and Racism
Romay Catherine Johnson Davis [Annotator's Note: a Private in the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion of the...
Marich, Robert Deployment to Leyte
Robert Marich traveled on a Liberty Ship [Annotator's Note: a class of quickly produced cargo ship], with the entire...
Davis, Romay Joining the Women's Army Corps
Romay Catherine Johnson Davis did not know there was anything different than segregation. She had everything she needed...
Edwards, Mary Reflections
Mary Edwards saw the world change dramatically as a result of World War 2. It was important to all the nations of the...
Doroff, Lorraine Interactions with Men and Women
Lorraine Doroff [Annotator's Note: while serving in the Women's Army Corps or WAC; women's branch of the Army from 1942...
Ream, John Postwar Life
John Ream remembers that if anyone kept a diary, the FBI [Annotator’s Note: Federal Bureau of Investigation] would...
Cowell, Ernest Korean War, Vietnam, and Post Military Life
Ernest Cowell took a train from Fort Mason, California [Annotator's Note: in San Francisco, California], to Fort Lewis...
Doroff, Lorraine Closing Thoughts
Lorraine Doroff's most memorable experience of World War 2 is signing up and training [Annotator's Note: with the...
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