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WAC nurse stands near a car outside of a business
Photograph. Unidentified WAC nurse in uniform stands outside near automobile in a driveway of a commercial building....
Military portrait of Ida Foote in her WAC uniform circa 1944
Photograph, portrait. Ida Foote in her WAC uniform. Personal caption written on front: Ida Hough Foote / Earl Foote...
Portrait of WAC nurse
Photograph, portrait. Unknown WAC nurse in dress uniform. United States. No date
Uniformed WAC nurse stands in front of rock
Photograph. Unidentified uniformed WAC nurse stands in front of large rock. United States. No date
WACs marching in anniversary parade in Caserta, Italy, 1944
Photograph. WACs marching in anniversary parade. Official caption on front: "WAC/MM-44-2874." Official caption on...
WAC checks daily special orders at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1450. '12 July 44. Bradlor. Pfc Mary Snickers checks daily spec. orders for whereabouts of men being transferred, at...
Army WAC pins gold bar on husband's collar at Fort Benning, Georgia on 25 July 1944
1588. '25 July 44. Boll. S/Sgt. Grace Hughes pins a gold bar on the collar of her husband, 2nd Lt. James H. Hughes,...
WAC reading a newspaper outside
Photograph. Women's Army Corps member reading a newspaper while sitting on a patch of straw next to a tent. Location...
German firemen fighting fire in Women's Army Corps billet in Bad Kissingen, Germany in 1945
German firemen fighting fire in WAC (Women's Army Corps) billet/barracks at the Hotel Victoria. "WAC billet fire." See...
German firemen fighting fire on roof of Women's Army Corps billet in Bad Kissingen, Germany in 1945
German firemen fighting fire on roof of WAC (Women's Army Corps) billet/barracks at the Hotel Victoria. "WAC billet...
Former New York Governor Herbert Lehman greets his daughter in Algiers, Algeria, 1944
Photograph. Former New York Governor Herbert Lehman greets his daughter, WAC Private Hilda J. De Vadetski, whom he had...
German firemen fighting fire on roof of Women's Army Corps billet in Bad Kissingen, Germany in 1945
German firemen fighting fire on roof of WAC (Women's Army Corps) billet/barracks at the Hotel Victoria. "WAC billet...
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