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105mm crew loads a shell into the breech during attack on Kwajalein in January 1944
105mm crew loads a shell into the breech during attack on Kwajalein. "W-CPA-44-107-C. 1/31. Weaver. Gun crew of 105...
32nd Infantry Regiment soldiers waiting at dock alongside troop transport ship before being shipped to the Marshall Islands in January 1944
32nd Infantry Regiment soldiers waiting at dock alongside troop transport ship before being shipped to the Marshall...
7th Infantry Division soldiers waiting at a dock alongside a troop transport ship before being shipped to the Marshall Islands in January 1944
7th Infantry Division soldiers waiting at dock alongside troop transport ship before being shipped to the Marshall...
Soldiers climbing into a transport ship via ramp for invasion of the Marshall Islands on in January 1944
Soldiers climbing into transport ship via ramp for invasion of the Marshall Islands. 'W-CPA-44-106-Y. 1/21. Ellner. Men...
Individual soldier entering hatch of troop transport headed to the Marshall Islands in January 1944
Individual soldier entering hatch of troop transport, headed to the Marshall Islands. 'W-CPA-44-106-X. 1/21. Ellner....
Soldier manning a .50 caliber machine gun aboard a troop transport bringing soldiers to the invasion of the Marshall Islands in January 1944
96th Antiaircraft battery soldier manning a .50 caliber machine gun aboard a troop transport bringing soldiers to the...
Remains of Japanese bunkers on the island of Kwajalein in February 1944
Completely destroyed Japanese bunkers on the island of Kwajalein. 'W-CPA-44-106-DI. 2/4. Ellner. The wreck of a supply...
7th Infantry Division soldier using a flame thrower to burn a Japanese pillbox on Kwajalein Island in February 1944
7th Infantry Division soldier using a flame thrower to burn Japanese pillbox/dugout; others wait in foreground. 'W-CPA-...
Japanese oil supplies burn in the background during battle for Kwajalein Island in February 1944
Japanese oil supplies burn in background; Japanese landing craft in foreground. "W-CPA-44-108-BA. 2/4. Cordray. Wrecked...
Headless bodies of Japanese corpses killed by aerial and naval bombardment on the Marshall Islands in February 1944
Headless bodies of Japanese corpses killed by aerial and naval bombardment; Sherman tanks in background. "W-CPA-44-108-...
Concrete forms and iron reinforcing is all that is left of this Japanese stronghold on Carlson Island, Kwajalein Atoll in January 1944
W-CPA-44-107-AQ. 1/31. Weaver. Concrete forms and iron reinforcing is all that is left of this Jap strong hold, 7th Div...
7th Infantry Division soldiers walking over the remains of a Japanese power plant on Carlson Island, Kwajalein Atoll in January 1944
7th Infantry Division soldiers walking over destroyed Japanese power plant. 'W-CPA-44-107-AR. 1/31.Weaver. A mass of...
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