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Regimental surgeon standing outside infirmary at Fort Benning, Georgia on 9 October 1944
1694. '9 Oct 44. DuTiel. Major L. Levenstein, regimental surgeon of the 5th Inf Regt at Ft. Benning, Ga. 168-L-44-16415...
Splintered tree trunk after dynamite explosion on 12 July 1944
1479. '12 July 44. Hussey. Effect of external timber charge, 12' diameter pine log, cut in half by eight lb. blocks of...
Soldiers reading bulletin board at Fort Benning, Georgia on 22 July 1944
1555. '22 July 44. Sharetts. T/5 L.J. Amato reading clipping, (left) Pfc M.T. Nicholson tacking up a new item on the Co...
Training pool facility at Fort Benning, Georgia on 9 October 1944
1715. '9 Oct 44. Mark. Russ Pool at Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-44-16436.' Army Signal Corps photograph Photographer...
Officers demonstrate field radio at Fort Benning, Georgia on 8 September 1944
1608. '8 Sept 44. Thompson. Lt. J. Velardi and Lt. H. Bicknell, of the Communication Div., T.P.S., demonstrate the SCR-...
Infantry in position to fire at aircraft during maneuvers at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1064. '3-30-44. Paik. 1st Machine Gun Squad, 1st Platoon, Co. H, 2nd Bn, 323rd Inf., 81st Division in position to fire...
US serviceman singing during dinner at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 8 March 1944
791. US servicemen performing for Signal Corps soldiers and their wives. '3-8-44. Von Stroheim. S/Sgt Lloyd Perryman...
Smoke from a flamethrower rises up against a smokescreen laid down by 105mm Howitzers during an assault problem at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 7 September 1944
2086. '7 Sept. 44 Barry. Smoke from flame-thrower rises up against smoke screen laid down by 105mm Howitzers during...
71st Infantry Division troops on the Caramouche range, firing carbines at Fort Benning on 11 October 1944
1745. '11 Oct 44. Paik. 2d Bn 66th Regt 71st Div troops on Caramouche range, firing carbine. 168-L-44-16529.' Army...
Long view of pipe line being constructed in the WAC area at Fort Benning, Georgia on 8 July 1944
1354. '8 July 44. Freeney. Long view of pipe line being constructed in the WAC area at Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-44-...
Ten ton wrecker being used to remove motor from Jeep at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1876. '3-24-44. Boll. 548th Ord H.M. Co. (FA) Repair Line to Ton. Ten ton wrecker being used to remove motor from...
Troops of the 422nd Infantry Regiment advance with fixed bayonets during a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1996. '11 Aug 44. Barry. Troops of the 2nd Bn 422 Inf Regt advance with fixed bayonets during a demonstration involving...
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