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Planes unload their paratroopers members at Fort Benning, Georgia on 7 September 1944
1625. '7 Sept 44. Oliver. 3 C-47's releasing their loads of paratroopers from 541st Parachute Inf, Alabama Area, Ft...
Young Pool at Fort Benning, Georgia on 7 July 1944
1367. '7 July 44. Freeney. Young Pool, Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-44-1647.' Army Signal Corps photograph...
Paratrooper training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 26 June 1944
1308. '26 June 1944. Von Stroheim. Officers of 542nd Paratroop Infantry Battalion boarding plane for first jump of...
Soldier with dog mascot in a tow truck in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1181. '29 March 44. Zoff. T/5 Chas. Rohlif, 549th Ordnance Co., (with dog mascot Joe) at wheel of M-1 Kenworth 10 ton...
Officier with 82nd Signal Battalion watching van from 391st Quartermasters Corps being pulled back onto road at Hunter Leggitt Military Reservation in California on 14 March 1944
1807. '3-14-44. Von Stroheim. Capt Zirkle, 82nd Signal Bn watching van from 391st Quartermasters Corps being pulled...
Field mess served near field kitchen truck during training maneuvers at Camp Cooke, California on 28 March 1944.
980. Field mess served near field kitchen truck during training maneuvers. 3-28-44. Zoff. Co A 710th tank Bn. mess near...
Mock German village in San Luis Obispo, California on 31 March 1944
1097. '3-31-44. Preciado. Looking South from Hills back of German Village showing Village in background and artillery...
Major Deason observes troop movements on a distant hill during maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 23 March 1944
1833. '3-23-44. J. P. Johnson. Maj. R. H. Deason, H.Q....
A mule train carrying rations during maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation in March 1944
Soldiers leading and riding pack mules through mountainous terrain during training exercises. "168-9-44-507." United...
Sharpshooters from all over the United States holding carbines and posing in front of carbine poster at San Luis Obispo, California on 13 March 1944.
849. Sharpshooters from all over the United States holding carbines and posing in front of carbine poster. '3-13-44....
Scene of free fall parachute jumping at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1411. '11 July 44. Oliver. Scene of free fall parachute jumping showing 3 chutes in the air at various heights. 168-L-...
Prime mover and piece crossing ford at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 6 September 1944
2057. '6 Sept. 44 Kilian. Prime mover and piece of 'B' Btry 592nd FA Bn crossing ford during field exercise at Camp...
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