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Private repairs a radio at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1440. '11 July 44. Austin. Pvt Frank Obrien, TPS communications Div., Fort Benning, Georgia, of Anniston, Alabama,...
Inside view of the Maneuver Evacuation Hospital at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 27 March 1944
1954. '3-27-44. Freeney. Inside view of Ward Tent # 18 at HLMR Maneuver Evacuation Hospital. Each of these ward tents...
Combat engineer group passes in review during ceremony in San Luis Obispo, California on 3 April 1944
1193. '4-3-44. Paik. Maj Gen Paul J. Mueller, commanding general 81st Div., and staff review the 1138th Combat Group...
Smoke screen laid down by 423rd Infantry Combat team at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 8 September 1944
2072. '8 Sept. 44 Kilian. Smoke screen laid down by 423rd Inf Combat team during problem on attack of Fortified...
Captain of a parachute infantry battalion briefing officers at Dawson Field, Georgia on 27 June 1944
1295. '27 June 1944. Boll. Capt. A. Wallau of Hq. Co. 542 Para. Inf. Bn. is shown briefing officers of his Bn. who are...
US servicemen throwing sandbags during amphibious training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on15 March 1944.
US servicemen throwing sandbags into water to complete sand bridge to reach pontoon bridge; during amphibious training...
Servicemen eating inside mess hall during training in California on 24 March 1944
Servicemen eating inside mess hall. "3-24-44. Thompson. Crowd in Mess Hall 210 Ord Co eating Turkey Dinner in their...
A close view of W110B Communication line laid in a rut on the San Miguel Trail during maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1861. '3-24-44. Ecklund. A close view of W110B Communication line laid in a rut on the San Miguel Trail S. E. of Hill...
A general view of train loaded for shipment of vehicles from Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 20 September 1944
2157. '20 Sept. 44 Kilian. General view of train loaded for shipment of vehicles by 772nd Tank Bn., from Camp Atterbury...
A 3' Anti-Tank gun of the 822nd Tank Destroyer Battalion gives a demonstration at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1979. '11 Aug 44. Barry. A 3' Anti-Tank gun of the 822nd Tank Destroyer Bn. firing direct fire during demonstration of...
81 mm shell after explosion at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1944
1536. '168-L-44-1939.' 81 mm shell after explosion. Army Signal Corps photograph 1944
View of headquarters building at Fort Benning, Georgia on 10 July 1944
1373. '10 July 44. D. Wallis. Panoramic view of the 4th Hq. Sp. Trps. 2nd Army at Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-44-1713...
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