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Officer giving speech at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 8 March 1944
796. Officer giving speech at banquet for Signal Corps soldiers and their wives. '3-8-44. Von Stroheim. Maj Merle...
Ringing an LST's bell during training exercises in California on 8 March 1944
805. US soldier ringing LST's [Landing Ship, Tank] bell as sailor looks on; during training exercises. '3-8-44. Bradlor...
Loading Medium M-4 A-3 tanks for train shipment at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 21 September 1944
2176. '21 Sept. 44 Kilian. Medium tanks of the 772nd Tank Bn, 'A' Co move down flat cars to finish loading for shipment...
US sailors with tow lines during amphibious training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on15 March 1944.
US sailors with tow lines on a pontoon bridge during amphibious training exercises. "3-15-44. Barry. A towing hauser is...
Regimental Communication Platoon lined up to give demonstration at Fort Benning, Georgia on 7 July 1944
1371. '7 July 44. Griggs. Regimental Communication Platoon of the 1st Demonstration Regiment 4th Infantry lined up to...
Prime mover preparing to move out with a 3 inch anti-tank gun after exercise in attack on fortified positions at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 7 September 1944
2096. '7 Sept. 44 Kilian. Prime mover of 822nd TD Bn preparing to move out with 3 inch anti-tank gun after exercise in...
Damage done to a steel plate by explosives at Fort Benning, Georgia on 9 October 1944
1679. '9 Oct 44. Johnson. Experiment by demolition School, TPS Ft Benning, Ga using Rocket head HEAT M6A3. Photo shows...
Detail of bridge at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1403. '11 July 44. Farrand. Arch of deck girder bridge, over Uchee Creek, Alabama Area, Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-44...
Ration breakdown for service troops at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1889. '3-24-44. Boll. 43rd QM Rhd Co at Jolon 'A' Ration Breakdown for Service Troops at #2 Truckhead. For convenience...
Students returning from jump field signing parachute log at Fort Benning, Georgia on 18 July 1944
1539. "18 July 44. Austin. Students returning from jump field signing parachute log at Fort Benning, Ga., recording...
Special troops in review parade in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1254. '6-16-44. Sharetts. Battalion of special troops of 4th Hq., 2nd Army at ready line just before review and...
Burst of 105mm Howitzer shells dot the sky during a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2011. '11 Aug 44. Barry. Burst of 105mm Howitzer shells dot the sky as M-4 medium tanks move across the fields in...
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