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Students returning from jump field signing parachute log at Fort Benning, Georgia on 18 July 1944
1539. "18 July 44. Austin. Students returning from jump field signing parachute log at Fort Benning, Ga., recording...
Mine shown at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1386. '11 July 44. Hussey. M6 Anti-Tank mine with fuse plug open and pencil pointing to activator opening in side....
Soldier operating a bulldozer at Fort Benning on 11 October 1944
1766. '11 Oct 44. Paik. Pvt Saulman Fout, 271 Eng Com Bn, 71st Div operating bulldozer at Fort Benning, Ga. 168-L-44-...
Drum and tuba section of the 106th Infantry Division Band at a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1987. '11 Aug 44. Barry. Drum and tuba section of the 106th Inf. Div. Band which played between phases of the Infantry-...
57mm weapon in simulated action with invading combat team on infantry maneuvers at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1051. '3-29-44. Hussey. 323rd AT Co. 57mm weapon in simulated action with invading combat team on 81st Div. maneuvers...
353rd Infantry placing rations under trees as they are unloaded from mules at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 23 March 1944
1877. '3-23-44. Ecklund. Men of 353 Inf Regt are placing 'C' rations under trees at the RSO as they are unloaded from...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1278. '28 June 1944. Barry. Duo_H. E. Heavy swamp land. Test fired Major Wade TIS Test Board. 168-L-44-1366.' Army...
Military review ceremony in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1247. '6-16-44. Sharetts. With Guidons dipped, officers at present arms and the ranks at eyes right, troops of 4th...
Mortar and Artillery Fire and smoke screen at Fort Benning, Georgia on 8 July 1944
1351. '8 July 44. Cherry. Mortar and Artillery Fire and smoke screen to protect and screen advancing tanks and infantry...
Explosive damage shown during training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 9 October 1944
1683. '9 Oct 44. Johnson. Experiment by TPS Demolition School, Ft Benning, Ga, using rocket head without composition C2...
Private Edward Christ of the 66th Infantry Regiment about to throw a live hand grenade during bivouac at Fort Benning on 11 October 1944
1744. '11 Oct 44. Paik. Pvt Edward Christ, 2d Bn 66th Reg 71st Div about to throw live hand grenade during bivouac at...
US soldiers eat onboard the deck of an LST during training exercises in California on 8 March 1944
806. US soldiers eat food from mess kits onboard the deck of an LST [Landing Ship, Tank] during training exercises;...
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