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Trucks awaiting repairs by the 548th Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Company at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1910. '3-24-44. Boll. Repair Line 1 to 2 Ton trucks. Separate repair lines are established for vehicles of the same...
Pack mule train seen from hilltop during training exercises; dump trucks and a crane in the foreground at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation in 1944
2249. Pack mule train seen from hilltop during training exercises; dump trucks and a crane in the foreground. '168-9-44...
Soldier with dog mascot in a tow truck in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1181. '29 March 44. Zoff. T/5 Chas. Rohlif, 549th Ordnance Co., (with dog mascot Joe) at wheel of M-1 Kenworth 10 ton...
Officer sitting at desk at the Infantry School Building, Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1437. '12 July 44. Von Stroheim. Lt. Colonel Ernest Welch, Ass't Exec. Officer of T.I.S. sitting at his desk at the...
Chow time for soldiers of the 71st Infantry Division at Hunter Leggitt Military Reservation in California on 10 March 1944
1795. '3-10-44. Sharetts. Mess set-up, serving 'C' rations to men of HQ Co, 2nd Bn, 14th Inf, 71st L Div. Here are...
Lt. General Ben Lear during his inspection of the Division at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 7 September 1944
2090. '7 Sept. 44 Barry. Lt. Gen Ben Lear, Commanding AGF, inspects troops of 422nd Inf. Regt. Combat Team, 106th Inf....
General view of the sand loading area of the 671st Ordnance Ammunition Company at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1917. '3-24-44. Boll. 671st Ord Amm Co at Jolon. General view of sand loading area. Shell cases are loaded with sand to...
Mock German village in San Luis Obispo, California on 31 March 1944
1097. '3-31-44. Preciado. Looking South from Hills back of German Village showing Village in background and artillery...
Paratrooper training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 27 June 1944
1290. '27 June 1944. Boll. Before jumping, officers shout commands to the remaining students as though they were under...
Brigadier General Henry Perrin, Assistant Division Commander, 106th Infantry Division, addresses the troops at a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2003. '11 August 44. Barry. Brig. Gen. Henry T. Perrin, Ass't Div. Commander, 106th Inf. Div., addresses troops of the...
Planes unload their paratroopers members at Fort Benning, Georgia on 7 September 1944
1625. '7 Sept 44. Oliver. 3 C-47's releasing their loads of paratroopers from 541st Parachute Inf, Alabama Area, Ft...
Medium M-4 A-3 tanks move out for train shipment at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 21 September 1944
2183. '21 Sept. 44 Kilian. Medium tanks 'A' Co, 772nd Tank Bn. move out during rail shipment from Camp Atterbury,...
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