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Half track and 3 inch tank Destroyer guns await orders to move out at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 7 September 1944
2081. '7 Sept. 44 Barry. Half track and 3 inch tank Destroyer guns, 822nd TD await orders to move out at completion of...
Director's HQ moving into new location 2 miles west of Cp. S.L.O., Calif., on Morrow Bay road at San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944.
1049. '3-29-44. Hussey. Director's HQ moving into new location 2 miles west of Cp. S.L.O., Calif., on Morrow Bay road....
Pnuematic bridge at Fort Benning, Georgia on 21 July 1944
1546. '21 July 44. D. Wallis. A M-3 pnuematic bridge constructed by 549th Engineer Light Pontoon Co. for...
Interior of vehicle repair shop in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1155. '3-30-44. Sharetts. Interior of 549th Ord. Heavy Maintenance Co., Shop at Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif. Showing...
Troops of the 422nd Infantry Regiment 106th Infantry Division advance toward 'enemy' positions during a demonstration at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1991. '11 Aug 44. Barry. Troops of the 2nd Bn., 422nd Inf. Regt., 106th Inf. Div., advance toward 'enemy' positions on...
608th Field Artillery Battalion of the 71st Infantry Division at Fort Benning on 12 October 1944
1772. '12 Oct 44. Paik. C Battery of 608 FA Bn 71st Div at Fort Benning, Ga. 168-L-44-16556.' Army Signal Corps...
Foxhole training exercises near Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 7 March 1944
772. Two officers examining foxhole construction during training exercises. '3-7-44. Von Stroheim. L to R: Lt Col...
Foreign officers visiting Fort Benning, Georgia on 8 July 1944
1362. '8 July 44. Milgrom. Left to right: Lt. Guynan, Columbain Army; Lt. Pinzon, Columbian Army; Brig. General H.P....
Sergeant has a dental procedure performed at Fort Benning, Georgia on 10 October 1944
1689. '10 Oct 44. DuTiel. L to R Maj C. T. Ensmineer, Tec Sgt D. C. Brown, 4th Medics, 1st Sgt Joseph E. Montmarquet,...
A 155mm Howitzer ready to fire during a field problem at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 13 September 1944
2111. '13 Sept. 44 Kilian. 155mm How. m-1 Sec 'A' Btry 591 FA Bn ready to fire on Bn. Problem at Camp Atterbury,...
Varible line indicater used by Combat Labortory Unit #2 on 21 September 1944
2189. '21 Sept. 44 Barry. Varible line indicater used by Combat Labortory Unit #2. 168-05-44-7448' Army Signal Corps...
Aerial photo of the 723rd Engineer Depot Company of the 1139th Engineer Combat Group at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 30 March 1944
1932. '3-30-44. Freeney. Aerial Photo of 723rd Eng Depot Co of the 1139th Eng Combat Group at Hunter Liggett Military...
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