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Prime mover and gun section crossing stream at ford during field exercise at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 6 September 1944
2051. '6 Sept. 44 Kilian. Prime mover tractor M-5 of 155mm How. M-1 'A' Btry 1st Sec. crossing stream at ford during...
Army prime movers towing 57mm antitank guns off of ramp connected to LST during training in California on 7 March 1944
767. Army prime movers towing 57mm antitank guns off of ramp connected to LST [Landing Ship, Tank] and onto beach...
Paratrooper wearing demolition equipment at Fort Benning, Georgia on 8 September 1944
1614. '8 Sept 44. Thompson. Lt. G.G. Toth of Air Operations Office, T.P.S. shown wearing demolition equipment at...
Combat engineer group passes in review during ceremony in San Luis Obispo, California on 3 April 1944
1193. '4-3-44. Paik. Maj Gen Paul J. Mueller, commanding general 81st Div., and staff review the 1138th Combat Group...
Group portrait of Sherman tank crew during training exercises in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
973. Group portrait of Sherman tank crews during training exercises. '3-28-44. Griggs. 2nd platoon Co A 710th tank Bn....
Soldiers of the 973rd Engineer Maintenance Company of the 1139th Engineer Combat Group at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 28 March 1944
1958. '3-28-44. Freeney. Pvt. Kirk Martin works at the electric forge; Pvt. Ira Hughes works at welding while Pvt....
A general view of train loaded for shipment of vehicles from Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 20 September 1944
2157. '20 Sept. 44 Kilian. General view of train loaded for shipment of vehicles by 772nd Tank Bn., from Camp Atterbury...
A wrecked ton truck along roadside at night in 1944
2217. A wrecked ton truck along roadside at night. '168-5-44-7095.'United States of America, specific location unknown...
General Mueller inspecting division troops at ceremony at San Luis Obispo, California in1944.
842. General Mueller inspecting division troops at ceremony. 'General Mueller inspects units of 81st Division Tng Bn...
Jumper landing from free fall during training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1409. '11 July 44. Oliver. Class of members of Co. D. 1st paratroop training regiment, at Fort Benning, Georgia, using...
Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1275. '28 June 1944. Barry. Craters-81mm shell and fust, M-53 showing effects on sandy soil. Test conducted by Major...
A battalion passes in review at Fort Benning, Georgia on 14 July 1944
1495. '14 July 44. Barry. Troops of the 71st Inf. Div. pass in review at Tiger Field, Ft. Benning, Ga. In background at...
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