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Officer candidate at Fort Benning, Georgia on 6 October 1944
1674. '6 Oct 44. Griggs. Candidate C. W. O. Thomas D. Shelton 1st Co, 3rd STR was in the South Pacific 29 months. For...
LCVPs in Morro Bay, California during amphibious training exercises on 26 February 1944
713. LCVPs in Morro Bay during amphibious training exercises. '2-26-44. Henschel. LCP's in 7th landing wave swing onto...
Soldier demonstrates one of the steps in preparing an explosive charge at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1464. '12 July 44. Hussey. Be sure to scrape wires for good contact. One of the steps in preparing an explosive charge...
Special troops pass in review and inspection in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1252. '6-16-44. Sharetts. Battalions formed from special troops of 4th Headquarters, 2nd Army, march on 4th Inf. drill...
Students returning from jump field signing parachute log at Fort Benning, Georgia on 18 July 1944
1539. "18 July 44. Austin. Students returning from jump field signing parachute log at Fort Benning, Ga., recording...
A plume of white phosphorus from a shell juts up on the horizon during a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2004. '11 August 44. Barry. A plume of white phosphorus from an 81mm WP shell juts up on the horizon at the beginning...
Private studying book at Fort Benning, Georgia on 25 July 1944
1589. '25 July 44. Pfc. Mark. Pvt. John R. Common thumbing through a book for information which might help him in his...
Detail of bridge at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1397. '11 July 44. Hussey. Uchee Creek, deck girder bridge in Alabama Area, had to be supported by bags of concrete to...
Ringing an LST's bell during training exercises in California on 8 March 1944
805. US soldier ringing LST's [Landing Ship, Tank] bell as sailor looks on; during training exercises. '3-8-44. Bradlor...
Director's HQ after tents housing at San Luis Obispo, California on 27 March 1944.
1047. '3-27-44. Hussey. Director's HQ after tents housing L to R Msg. Cen., G-4, G-2, and Brig. Gen. Marcus B. Bell...
Cooking in mess hall in San Luis Obispo, California on 1 April 1944
1145. '4-1-44. Sharetts. Pfc. C.P. O'Andrea, Fairlawn N.J.[New Jersey], stirring at stove; Pvt.D. Emas, St. Louis, MO.[...
Officer shown wearing the complete equipment of a demolition parachutist at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1378. '11 July 44. Farrand. Lt. Harry Rearick, head of the Parachute demolition school is shown wearing the complete...
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