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Craters created by bombardment test in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1289. '28 June 1944. Barry. Craters 81mm shell and fuse, M53 showing effects on sandy soil. Test conducted by Major...
Foxhole training exercises near Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 7 March 1944
US servicemen inside foxhole; preparing to be rolled over by 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage / M7 Priest during training...
Paratrooper training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 25 July 1944
1595. '25 July 44. Ecklund. Two men of Btry. B, 677th Glider F.A. Bn., 13 Airborne Div. have just left the top of the...
By using sand bags in place of the containers themselves, hundreds of shell cases have been saved at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1901. '3-24-44. Boll. 671st Ord Amm Co at Jolon. By using sand bags in place of the containers themselves, hundreds of...
Servicemen exiting an LCVP during amphibious training exercises in California on 26 February 1944
715. Servicemen exiting an LCVP during amphibious training exercises. '2-26-44. Henschel. Riflemen of 1st Bn, 322nd Inf...
Providing realistic sound effects for the CBS radio broadcast The Army Hour at Fort Benning, Georgia n 23 July 1944
1550. '23 July 44. Boll. To provide realistic sound effects for the CBS radio broadcast, The Army Hour, from Ft....
Soldiers inside an M-30 repair truck of the 193rd Signal Repair Company at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 15 September 1944
2149. '15 Sept. 44 Barry. L to R: T/3 John Turner, testing an SCR 536 and Pvt Milton Rosenthal working on tube tester,...
A machine gun emplacement of the 71st Infantry Division and their view of the road as friendly mule troops pass by on 9 March 1944
1786. '3-9-44. Goodman. View from behind of Pfc Centrone and Branlette in their 30 cal. machine gun emplacement,...
A wounded buddy is placed on a improvised stretcher by men of the senior swimming instructors class at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1429. '11 July 44. Bradlor. A wounded buddy is placed on a improvised stretcher by men of the senior swimming...
Special troops waiting to pass in review in Fort Benning, Georgia on 16 June 1944
1261. '6-16-44. Sharetts. 2nd Army, 4th Hq. special troops on ready line, waiting to pass in review at 4th Inf. drill...
Officer creating tags for 'wounded' men during training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 28 March 1944.
1021. Officer creating tags for 'wounded' men during training maneuvers. '3-28-44. Allen. Maj Louis K Harthrong and Lt...
General Paul Mueller overseeing amphibious training exercises near San Luis Obispo, California on 6 March 1944
749. General Paul Mueller, with binoculars, overseeing amphibious training exercises. '3-6-44. Mitchell. General Paul...
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