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Varible line indicater used by Combat Labortory Unit #2 on 21 September 1944
2189. '21 Sept. 44 Barry. Varible line indicater used by Combat Labortory Unit #2. 168-05-44-7448' Army Signal Corps...
A soldier clamping on W130 wire to a EE8A to be used as a local staff installation at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1879. '3-24-44. Ecklund. M/Sgt J G Soffer, right, is connecting the W130 wire to an improvised Terminal strip that T/5...
A gun section march order a 3 inch anti-tank gun at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 7 September 1944
2093. '7 Sept. 44 Kilian. Co 'B' gun section march order 3 inch anti-tank gun after exercise on attack of fortified...
Soldier demonstrates one of the steps in preparing an explosive charge at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1462. '12 July 44. Hussey. Cut off small piece of fuse, removing possibility of moisture in the end. Time fuse by...
Full pack of paratrooper demolitionist in Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1233. '28 June 44. Preciado. Full pack of Demolition of a Paratrooper Demolitionist Wgt. Approx 139 Lbs. of equipment...
Four 75mm pack Howitzer gun positions at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1850. '3-24-44. J. P. Johnson. C Battery, 609th F.A., 71st L. Div., on rearward slope of Ridge East of Hill #3509....
Retreat ceremony in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1151. '3-30-44. Sharetts. The 549th Ord. Heavy Maintenance Co., 'Present Arms' during retreat Ceremony in their area at...
Brigadier General Perrin addresses troops before the beginning of a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2007. '11 August 44. Barry. Brig. Gen. Henry T. Perrin, Ass't Div. Commander, 106th Inf. Div., addresses troops before...
Co A 710th Tank Bn. Tank convoy returning from Camp Cook, Calif. to Camp San Luis Obispo at San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944.
1045. '3-30-44. Griggs. Co A 710th Tank Bn. Tank convoy returning from Camp Cook, Calif. to Camp San Luis Obispo. 168-L...
Loading Medium M-4 A-3 tanks for train shipment at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 21 September 1944
2178. '21 Sept. 44 Kilian. Medium tank moves down flat car during loading of 'A' Co 772nd Tank Bn, for shipment by rail...
Two 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M7/M7 Priests on a pontoon bridge between and LST and the beach; during amphibious training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on15 March 1944.
893. Two 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M7/M7 Priests on a pontoon bridge between and LST and the beach; during...
Explosive device used during training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 9 October 1944
1681. '9 Oct 44. Johnson. Experiment by TPS Demolition School, Ft Benning, Ga, using rocket head containing composition...
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