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Vehicles which cannot be repaired in the field are replaced with like equipment from the replacement pool at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 23 March 1944
1873. '3-23-44. Boll 348th Ord H. M. Co. (FA) Evacuation Line. Vehicles which cannot be repaired in the field, due to...
Captain holds critique with his men after tank maneuvers near in Camp Cooke in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
1201. '3-28-44. Zoff. Capt. Richard Dozer Co C 710th tank battalion holds critique with his men after tank maneuvers...
Advancing by fire and movement, assault troops move in on enemy positions during an assault problem at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 15 September 1944
2144. '15 Sept. 44 Barry. Advancing by fire and movement, assault troops of 3rd Bn, 423 Inf Regt, 106th Inf Div move in...
Officers at their desks at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 September 1944
1644. 'Paik. T/5 Robert W. Eckel, Cpl Harry Berchenks at there [sic] desks at the S-4 section 4th HQ Sp Troops 2nd Army...
US officers looking over terrain during training in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1109. '3-29-44. Allen. (L to R) Maj. W. D. Smith, Lt. Col. Robert Quakenbush, Maj. Joseph Schultz of 81st Div. General...
Machine gun crew camouflaged behind wire fence while on bivouac at Fort Benning on 11 October 1944
1751. '11 Oct 44. Paik. 2d Bn, 66th Inf Reg, 71st Div, machine gun crew camouflaged behind wire fence while on bivouac...
81st Infantry Division soldiers preparing 105mm shells to use during training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on 14 March 1944.
81st Infantry Division soldiers preparing 105mm shells to use during training exercises. "3-14-44. Barry. Members of M-...
Washing a 155mm Howitzer after firing at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 7 September 1944
2035. '7 Sept. 44 Kilian. Washing 155mm How. M-1 After firing on Field Problem. Camp Atterbury, Indiana. 168-05-44-7229...
Jeep stuck in sand on beach during training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 27 March 1944.
999. Jeep stuck in sand on beach during training maneuvers. '3-27-44. Thompson. Jeep of 592nd Jasco Co stuck in mud...
Officer crawling under barbed wire during training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 6 July 1944
1334. '6 July 44 Austin. 1st Lt. D. J. Horkan, 1st S.T.R., 5th Co. Ft. Benning, Ga., crawling under wire at night...
Large gathering enjoy world famous pianist Pvt. Ulaninii Sokoloff at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1433. '11 July 44. A. Emanuel. Large gathering enjoy world famous pianist Pvt. Ulaninii Sokoloff of the 23rd Company...
This paratrooper has just left the top of the 250 ft. free tower at Fort Benning, Georgia on 17 July 1944
1516. '17 July 44. Ecklund. This paratrooper has just left the top of the 250 ft. free tower on Stage C jump training,...
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