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A US servicemen standing in a field with a crash-landed British Spitfire at Loiano, Italy on 22 November 1944
431.Photograph. US servicemen standing in field with crash-landed British Spitfire. '22 Nov. 1944. 5/MM-44-30168. Fifth...
American servicemen move through a crowded street during the liberation of Bologna, Italy on 21 April 1945.
54.Photograph. American servicemen in a jeep moving through a crowded Bologna street full of Italian civilians during...
Easter sunrise services for men of the IV Corps at Castelluccia, Italy on 1 April 1945
301.Photograph. '1 April 45. 5/MM-45-5599. Fifth Army, Castelluccia, Italy. Chap. [Chaplain] Paul J. Maddox conducting...
Artillery men in a shelter made of ammunition crates in Castelucio, Italy on 27 November 1944.
106.Photograph. '5/MM-44-30681. Fifth Army, Castelucio, Italy. Using 105mm ammunition boxes, these artillery men put up...
Three South African infantrymen dry their socks and blankets in the first sunshine they have seen during six days at Veggio, Italy on 15 November 1944
432.Photograph. South African soldiers drying equipment in sunlight on side of hill. '15 Nov. 1944. 5/MM-44-30174....
Italian civilians cut flesh from a dead horse along the side of the road in the Po Valley, Italy on 20 April 1945.
55.Photograph. Italian civilians cutting flesh from a dead German horses along the side of the road. '20 April 45. 5/MM...
American soldier carrying searchlight components through muddy field in Italy in October 1944
343.Photograph. Private Czarnik carrying searchlight materials through muddy field. '24 Oct. 1944. 5/MM-44-5910. Fifth...
Disabled German tank with crewmen surrendering to two U.S. soldiers in Italy on 1944-45
109.Photograph. Disabled German tank with crewmen surrendering to two U.S. soldiers. Italy. 1944-45
Lt. General Mark Clark pinning medal on American soldier in Italy on 16 November 1944
433.Photograph. '16 Nov 1944. CG-2547. Fifth Army, Montecatini Area, Italy. Lt. General Mark W. Clark, C.G. Fifth Army...
A Teller mine is exploded by the 317th Combat Engineers as they clear the are near Viareggio on 3 March 1945.
83.Photograph. '3 March 45. 5/MM-45-3773. Fifth Army, Viareggio Area, Italy. Showing an anti-tank Teller mine exploding...
South African servicemen set up in a defensive position in Italy on 17 April 1945
354.Photograph. South African servicemen set up in a defensive position. '17 April 45. 5/MM-45-6998. Fifth Army, Mt....
View of a smoking German tank with a squad of GI's on radio and in positions around and close to the tank in Italy on 1944-45
110.Photograph. View of a smoking German tank with a squad of GIs on radio and in positions around and close to the...
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