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American soldiers cross the Mosel River during battle in Germany in March 1945
American soldiers in assault boats cross the Mosel River during battle. "ETO-HQ-45-19849. Ryan. 14 Mar. Signal corps...
A German man washes up at a makeshift basin in Dillingen, Germany on 11 December 1944
A German man washes up at a makeshift basin. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 29305 Bacon 11 Dec. Credit---U.S. Army Signal...
A German and American military officer speak to one another after the German officer's surrender in Všeruby, Czech Republic on 4 May 1945
A German and American military officer speak to one another after the German officer's surrender. Official caption: "...
Proud soldiers pose for a photograph in Dillingen, France on 9 December 1944
Proud soldiers pose for a photograph. Note that location, units, and other information have been stricken in the...
Soldiers fire smoke shells in Wallerfangen, Germany on 9 December 1945
Soldiers fire smoke shells. Note that the unit has been stricken in the caption. Official caption: "File. ETO HQ 44...
US Army engineers securing TNT onto a bridge near Bieringen, Germany, 1944
Photograph. United States Army engineers from the 90th Infantry Division securing explosives to a bridge. Official...
McClure, Herb Combat, Occupation Duty and Criminal Investigations
When he reached the front, Herb McClure was placed in a 60mm mortar squad. The ground was frozen so the soldiers couldn...
Brewster, Oliver Prewar Life, Being Drafted and Deployment to Europe
Oliver Brewster was born in 1926 in Lincoln Parish, Louisiana. He had three sisters. His father was a sharecropper, and...
Brewster, Oliver Occupation Duty in Germany
Oliver Brewster was as assigned as a truck driver [Annotator's Note: in the 90th Infantry Division] during the...
Ornelles, Emory Normandy Combat
Emory Maurice Ornelles was sent to Camp Wolters [Annotator's Note: later Fort Wolters in Mineral Wells, Texas] for...
Ornelles, Emory Horrible Combat Experience
Emory Maurice Ornelles [Annotator's Note: in the 90th Infantry Division] was working with tanks when a driver asked him...
Ornelles, Emory Silver Star Patrol
Emory Maurice Ornelles and the 90th Infantry Division was transferred from the 1st Army to the 3rd Army under General...