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United States Army soldiers present arms during memorial services, Italy, 1945
Photograph. United States Army soldiers present arms as the national anthem is played during memorial services for...
85th Division regiment honors its fallen comrades in a Memorial Day ceremony, Belluno, Italy, 1945
Photograph. 85th Division regiment honors its fallen comrades in a Memorial Day ceremony in Italy. Official Caption: "...
American captain lays down a wreath during memorial ceremony, Belluno, Italy, June 1945
Photograph. Captain of the 85th Infantry Division lays down a wreath during memorial ceremony in Italy; other...
Infantrymen of the 85th Division pass dead Germans near Verona, Italy on 26 April 1945.
79.Photograph. '26 April 45. 5/MM-45-7832. Fifth Army, Verona Area Italy. Infantrymen of the 85th Division going...
Company of the 339th Infantry Regiment, out on a five mile hike in the snow in Gavanana, Italy. 6 January 1945.
104.Photograph. '6 Jan 1945. 5/MM-45-179. Fifth Army, Gavanana, Italy. Company of the 339th Infantry Regiment, out on a...
339th Infantry Regiment marches on snow-covered Italian roads in January 1945
Members of the 339th Infantry Regiment march on snow covered Italian roads. "6 Jan 1945. 5/MM-45-175. Fifth Army, Campo...
One serviceman demonstrating the power of a flame thrower in Italy in November 1944
406.Photograph. One serviceman demonstrating the power of a flame thrower. '6 Nov 44. 5/MM-44-6520. Fifth Army, Savazza...
Landscape looking north up Idice River valley in Italy in November 1944
411.Photograph. Landscape looking north up Idice River valley in Italy. '10 Nov 1944. 5/MM-44-30117. Fifth Army, Borgo...
Lt. General Mark Clark pinning medal on American soldier in Italy on 16 November 1944
433.Photograph. '16 Nov 1944. CG-2547. Fifth Army, Montecatini Area, Italy. Lt. General Mark W. Clark, C.G. Fifth Army...
General Clark pins insignia of 2nd Lieutenant on Sergeant Bennett during a combat appointment at Montecatini, Italy on 16 November 1944
435.Photograph. '16 Nov 44. CG-2544. Fifth Army, Montecatini Area, Italy. Lt. General Mark W. Clark, C.G. Fifth Army,...
85th Division crossing the river Adige in Verona over the destroyed Ponte Della Vittoria on 25 April 1945.
142.Photograph. '25 April 45. 5/MM-45-7846. Fifth Army, Verona Area, Italy. Members of the 1st Battalion, 339th...