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Ringing an LST's bell during training exercises in California on 8 March 1944
805. US soldier ringing LST's [Landing Ship, Tank] bell as sailor looks on; during training exercises. '3-8-44. Bradlor...
US infantry division "moving up" during training exercises in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1133. '3-30-44. Preciado. F CO, 323rd Inf, 81st DIV marching up in pursuit of enemy close to German Village during...
US serviceman scrubbing steps of mess hall at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 25 February 1944
739. Mess hall officers watch as another serviceman scrubs steps outside of the hall. '2-25-44. Hussey. Mess Officer,...
Soldiers climbing aboard an LST [Landing Ship, Tank] during amphibious training maneuvers at San Luis Obispo, California on15 March 1944.
900. Soldiers climbing aboard an LST [Landing Ship, Tank] during amphibious training maneuvers. '3-15-44. Barry....
Company crawling through barbed wire during maneuvers at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1069. '3-30-44. Paik. Co. F, 2nd Bn. 323 rd Inf. 81st Div., crawling thru barbed wire during maneuvers at Cp. S.L.O.,...
Interior scene of recreation hall; US servicemen watching movie screen inside room with blankets over windows at San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944.
1032. Interior scene of recreation hall; US servicemen watching movie screen inside room with blankets over windows. '3...
View from the deck of an LST during training exercises in California on 8 March 1944
824. View from the deck of an LST [Landing Ship, Tank] looking down to military equipment loading into the ship via a...
Preparing a meal in San Luis Obispo, California on 31 March 1944
1149. '3-31-44. Sharetts. T/4 J.J. Alvino, N.Y.C.[New York, New York], cuts beef while T/5 W.H. Emery, Pitman, N.J. [...
Jeep maintenance at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 7 March 1944
761. US serviceman repairing jeep from below. '3-7-44. Mitchell. 323rd Inf Co C. Pfc Donald Giles preparing to check...
Damaged M4 Sherman tank used during training exercises at Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944.
958. Damaged M4 Sherman tank used during training exercises. '3-28-44. Griggs. Front right sprocket buried in sand as...
Sherman tanks moving across California landscape during training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on 8 March 1944.
834. Sherman tanks moving across California landscape during training exercises. '3-8-44. J.P. Johnson. 710th Tank Bn...
. Camouflaged M7 Priest / 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage, hidden in trees and shrubs during training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 28 March 1944.
996. Camouflaged M7 Priest / 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage, hidden in trees and shrubs during training maneuvers. '3-...
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