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Waterproofed jeep engine at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 7 March 1944
762. Jeep engine waterproofed with clay. '3-7-44. Cye. Front view of jeep engine, showing waterproofing. 168-L-44-760...
Truck and gun coming through bridge built over swampy ground at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1055. '3-29-44. Paik. Truck and Gun of 483rd AAA coming thru bridge built over swampy ground by 306 Eng. Bn (of 323rd...
Soldiers loading ration boxes from tents into trailer on beach at San Luis Obispo, California on 27 March 1944.
950. Soldiers loading ration boxes from tents into trailer on beach. '3-27-44. Paik. S/Sgt. Tonitsky of S-4 2nd Bn.,...
Tank crew members repairing a damaged M4 Sherman tank in the field during training exercises at in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
969. Tank crew members repairing a damaged M4 Sherman tank in the field during training exercises. '3-28-44. Griggs. Co...
US general and officer observe training in San Luis Obispo, California on 31 March 1944
1107. '3-31-44. Allen. L to R Capt. M. Morgan of G-2, Brig. Gen. Marcus B. Bell, Lt. Col. Darnell, of the 81st Div.,...
LCI [Landing Craft, Infantry] putting off smoke screen during training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on 6 March 1944.
826. LCI [Landing Craft, Infantry] putting off smoke screen during training exercises. '3-6-44. Zoff. LCI putting out...
Officers at Camp San Louis Obispo on 24 March 1944
703. Group portrait of officers. '3-24-44. Thompson. Group Shot of 210 ORD CO Officers (4) at 210 Ord Co Area Camp S.L....
Five Sherman tanks with their crews at Camp Cooke, California on 28 March 1944.
Five Sherman tanks with their crews; posing for photo during training maneuvers. "3-28-44. Zoff. 3rd Platoon, Co. C,...
US servicemen layout carbines for ordinance inspection during training in California on 25 February 1944
US servicemen layout carbines for ordinance inspection; poster on wall reads "Soldier, take care of your G.I. - and it...
US soldiers construct a cordway road during training in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1124. '3-29-44. Preciado. 306th Engineers 81st Div making cordway road over Osos Creek in advance up toward Hollister...
General Mueller inspecting division troops at ceremony at San Luis Obispo, California in1944.
842. General Mueller inspecting division troops at ceremony. 'General Mueller inspects units of 81st Division Tng Bn...
Soldiers welding an axel in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1180. '29-March 44. Zoff. T/5 Geo. Humphreys and T/4 Joe Ginch weld an axel for a 105mm Howitzer in the welding...
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