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General Paul Mueller overseeing amphibious training exercises near San Luis Obispo, California on 6 March 1944
748. General Paul Mueller, with binoculars, overseeing amphibious training exercises. '3-6-44. Mitchell. General Paul...
Sherman tanks, followed by infantry soldiers, moving across California landscape during training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on 8 March 1944.
831. Sherman tanks, followed by infantry soldiers, moving across California landscape during training exercises. '3-8-...
57mm weapon in simulated action with invading combat team on infantry maneuvers at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1051. '3-29-44. Hussey. 323rd AT Co. 57mm weapon in simulated action with invading combat team on 81st Div. maneuvers...
Tank crew members repairing a damaged M4 Sherman tank in the field during training exercises at in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
966. Tank crew members repairing a damaged M4 Sherman tank in the field during training exercises. '3-28-44. Griggs. Co...
US officers eating in the field in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1102. '3-29-44. Von Stroheim L to R: Maj. W. L. Porte of 321st, 2nd Bn Lt. Col. Raymond S. Gates of 323rd, 1st Bn....
US soldiers practicing to capture enemy prisoners of war, identified by netting and cloth tied around helmets, during amphibious training maneuvers at Camp San Louis Obispo, California on 27 March 1944.
989. US soldiers practicing to capture enemy prisoners of war, identified by netting and cloth tied around helmets,...
Officers at Camp San Louis Obispo on 24 March 1944
Officers at Camp San Louis Obispo. "3-24-44. Thompson. Group shot of 210 ORD CO: 4 officers and all 1st 3-graders at...
Sharpshooter from Tennessee holding carbine and posing in front of carbine poster at San Luis Obispo, California on13 March 1944.
848. Sharpshooter from Tennessee holding carbine and posing in front of carbine poster. '3-13-44. Barry. Pvt Walter A....
Servicemen training with gas masks in California on 25 February 1944
Servicemen removing gas masks close to ground during training exercises. "2-25-44. Barry. Even in drill, members of 'I...
Radio controlled target plane crew in San Luis Obispo, California on 1 April 1944
1177. "4-1-44. Hussey. Radio controlled target plane crew with Hq. Det., Special Troops, III Corps, packed and ready to...
US anti-tank crew preparing to fire during training in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1121. '3-30-44. Paik. HQ Co. 3rd Bn. 323 Inf. 81st Div., 1st squad 37mm Anti-Tank crew about to fire at enemy pill...
US soldiers eat onboard the deck of an LST during training exercises in California on 8 March 1944
806. US soldiers eat food from mess kits onboard the deck of an LST [Landing Ship, Tank] during training exercises;...
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