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Mechanics repair motor in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1137. '3-29-44. Riley. Capt. George W. Vreeland Jr., Company Commander of the 549th Ordinance Heavy Maintenance Co....
Portrait of Colonel Kirke B. Lawtona at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 8 March 1944
801. Portrait of Colonel Kirke B. Lawton. '3-8-44. Hussey. Col K B Lawton, Chief of the Army Pictorial Service,...
US servicemen wading to board an LCI during training maneuvers in California on 6 March 1944
743. US servicemen wading to board an LCI [Landing Craft, Infantry] during training maneuvers in California. '3-6-44....
Servicemen standing outside
Photograph. Lieutenant Hugh Ward [right] and two other servicemen standing outside in their field uniforms. Ransom...
81st Infantry Division soldiers during training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on14 March 1944.
872. 81st Infantry Division soldiers during training exercises. '3-14-44. Wallis. Lt A M Sevick and Lt C Grinlinton,...
US serviceman speaking on field radio crouched in grass, during training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944.
1028. US serviceman speaking on field radio crouched in grass, during training maneuvers. '3-29-44. Von Stroheim. Pfc...
Staff sergeant working at his desk in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1153. '3-30-44. Sharetts. S/Sgt. A. Schug, Supply Sgt. of 549th Ord. Heavy Maintenance at his desk in the supply room....
Waterproofed artillery on deck of LST during training in California on 8 March 1944
820. A US soldier teaching a sailor about the waterproofed 57mm antitank gun on the deck of an LST [Landing Ship, Tank...
US servicemen moving rubber assault boats into water during amphibious training exercises in California on 7 March 1944
766. US servicemen moving rubber assault boats into water during amphibious training exercises. '3-7-44. J P Johnson....
Army prime movers towing 57mm antitank guns off of ramp connected to LST during training in California on 7 March 1944
767. Army prime movers towing 57mm antitank guns off of ramp connected to LST [Landing Ship, Tank] and onto beach...
Construction of sand bridge during amphibious training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on15 March 1944.
Construction of sand bridge by bulldozers to meet pontoon bridge; during amphibious training exercises. "3-15-44. Boll...
Commander getting in Jeep while on maneuvers at Morro Bay, California on 28 March 1944
1060. '3-28-44. Paik. Brig. Gen. Marcus Bell, Acting Reg. Commander 323rd Inf of 81st Division getting in jeep while on...
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