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Tom Blakey at Camp Walters, Texas in 1943
Thomas 'Tom' Blakey in uniform at Camp Wolters, Texas. Circa 1943
Tom Blakey with brother at Camp Wolters, Texas.
Thomas 'Tom' Blakey in uniform, with his brother Charles in civilian suit, at Camp Wolters, Texas. Circa 1943
Paratroopers Blakey and Major in Nottingham, England
Thomas 'Tom' Blakey, on left with Thompson submachine gun slung over shoulder, and Tactical Sergeant Barney Major in...
Paratroopers checking equipment bundles in Normandy in 1944
Paratroopers checking equipment bundles in England for jump into Normandy. 1944
Paratrooper digging foxhole in Normandy in 1944
Nicholas Dominic Dibotista digging foxhole in Normandy. 1944
Paratrooper sitting in a foxhole in Normandy
Blurry image of paratrooper sitting in a foxhole. Normandy. 1944
Three paratroopers sitting in and around a foxhole in Normandy
Three paratroopers sitting in and around a foxhole. Normandy. 1944
Barney Major in Nottingham, England
Blurry image of Tactical Sergeant Barney Major in Nottingham, England. Circa early 1944
A C-47 plane that dropped Blakey into Normandy in 1944
A C-47 transport aircraft named "Peaches from Mobile", the airplane that dropped Thomas 'Tom' Blakey into Normandy on D...
Tom Blakey at home in Houston in paratrooper dress uniform
Thomas 'Tom' Blakey at home in Houston, Texas during furlough after completing jump school [at Fort Benning]. He is...