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American troops advance towards the Cologne Cathedral in March 1945
American troops advance towards the Cologne Cathedral. "ETO-HQ-45-17851. Himes. 6 Mar. Signal corps photo. Troops of...
3rd Armored Division soldiers walk through heavily bomb and fire damaged city of Cologne, Germany in 1945
3rd Armored Division soldiers walk through heavily bomb and fire damaged city of Cologne, cathedral spires in distance...
An American soldier walks down street of Langerwehe, Germany on 12 December 1944
An American soldier walks down street of a destroyed German town. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 29341 12 Dec. Credit...U...
3rd Armored Division M4 Sherman tank passing a German Tiger tank, Belgium
Photograph. 3rd Armored Division M4 Sherman tank passing a German Tiger tank on the side of a road in a snow-covered...
3rd Armored Division advancing through Cologne, Germany
Photograph. United States Army soldiers from the 3rd Armored Division walking down a debris-filled street; rubble and...
3rd Armored Division receiving Distinguished Unit Citation, Germany, 1945
Photograph. 3rd Armored Division receiving the Distinguished Unit Citation; members of the color guard are in the...
3rd Armored Division advancing while under fire, Montleban
Photograph. Two United States Army soldiers from the 3rd Armored Division running down a street past a war-damaged...
3rd Armored Division tanks firing at German forces, Belgium, 1945
Photograph. 3rd Armored Division tanks firing at nearby German froces; a haze of smoke covers the area. Official...