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The aftermath of a German rocket attack in Antwerp, Belgium on 5 January 1945
The aftermath of a German rocket attack. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 302 5 Jan. Credit-U.S. Army Signal Corps. Photog-...
A Catholic nun and shoppers in marketplace in the Latin Quarter in Paris, France circa 1945
A Catholic nun, likely a sister of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, mingles with lay shoppers in a...
A flower stall in Paris, France circa 1945
A woman buys flowers at a market, while a man ties bundles of the arrangments to his bicycle. Personal caption: "Latin...
Engineers stand atop a bridge in an unknown location on 17 June 1944
Engineers stand atop a bridge. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 5229 Marquardt 17 June. Credit---Signal Corps Photo....
American engineers work to build a bridge in Duren, Germany on 24 February 1945
American engineers work to build a bridge. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 2462 24 Feb. Credit U.S. Army Signal Corps....
A German and American military officer speak to one another after the German officer's surrender in Všeruby, Czech Republic on 4 May 1945
A German and American military officer speak to one another after the German officer's surrender. Official caption: "...
A wounded soldier being evacuated by airplane in Toul, France on 25 September 1944
A wounded soldier being evacuated by airplane. Note that some identifying names and locations have been stricken in the...
Three American generals meet to discuss American supply production while in Europe on 27 January 1945
Three American generals meet to discuss American supply production. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 993 27 Jan. Credit-U.S...
Three generals meet in Saint-Clair-sur-l'Elle, France on 3 July 1944
Three generals meet at a division headquarters. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 6449 Wright (5) 3 July. Credit...Signal...
Photographer Allan Voluck talks to another soldier in Nice, France circa 1944-45
Photographer Allan Voluck has a conversation with another soldier outside of a hotel being used as the headquarters of...
Renowned harmonica player Lawrence "Larry" Cecil Adler entertains troops in Gmund, Germany on 24 July 1945
Renowned harmonica player Lawrence "Larry" Cecil Adler entertains troops. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 39531 24 Jul....
A German Naval and a German Army officer in the custody of American officers in Cherbourg, France on 26 June 1944
A German Naval and a German Army officer in the custody of American officers. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 5963 Petrony...
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