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Soldiers keep warm around a small fire in Gérimont, Belgium on 20 January 1945
Soldiers keep warm around a small fire. Note that some identifying names and locations have been stricken in the...
Army engineers repair damage to a dike in Cherbourg, France on 2 July 1944
Army engineers repair damage to a dike. Official caption: "Confidential. ETO HQ 44 [Illegibile] 2 July 44. Signal Corps...
Famous boxer Joe Louis after an exhibition of his skills in London, England on 22 June 1944
Famous boxer Joe Louis after an exhibition of his skills. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 5735 Robins 22 June 44. Credit...
American soldiers place dead German soldiers in a truck in Nennig, Germany on 30 January 1945
American soldiers place dead German soldiers in a truck. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 11006 30 Jan. Credit...US Army...
A French soldier dressed in American uniform advances upon enemy positions on a riverbank in Huningue, France on 1 December 1944
A French soldier dressed in American uniform advances upon enemy positions on a riverbank. Official caption: "6AG 27309...
Soldiers firing into the town of Schlich, Germany on 10 December 1944
Soldiers firing into a German town. Note that units have been stricken in the caption and on the face of the photograph...
An official representing the American president arrives in Gourock, Scotland on 10 July 1945
An arrival by an official representing the American president. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 49502 10 Jul. Credit...U.S...
Concentration camp victims, likely in Europe, circa 1945
Concentration camp victims with a severely emaciated man (or corpse) in a wheelbarrow. Unknown location, likely in...
American nurses with French children, likely in Paris, France, circa 1944-45
American nurses with young French men and boys outside of an American hospital. Likely Paris, France. Circa 1944-45
Men pushing bicycles and a heavily laden cart walk down the Rue de Invalides in Paris, France circa 1945
Men pushing bicycles and a heavily laden cart walk down the Rue de Invalides. Personal caption: "Rue de Invaliades [sic...
The reigning king and queen of Great Britain visit an American Red Cross club in Northampton, England on 3 March 1943
The reigning king and queen of Great Britain visit an American Red Cross club. Official caption: "ETO-HQ-43-1683 Bacon...
An American soldier stands in a snow covered foxhole in Reyersviller, France on 24 January 1945
An American soldier stands in a snow covered foxhole. Note that units and locations have been stricken in the caption....
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