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American congresspersons on a visit to an Army headquarters in Germany, likely in December 1944
American congresspersons on a visit to an Army headquarters. Official caption: "[Top portion of caption is cut off]....
A German man washes up at a makeshift basin in Dillingen, Germany on 11 December 1944
A German man washes up at a makeshift basin. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 29305 Bacon 11 Dec. Credit---U.S. Army Signal...
A hagard American soldier walks along a road in Voellendinger, France on 5 December 1944
A hagard American soldier walks along a road. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 28451 5 Dec. Credit...US Army Signal Corps....
Smiling French civilians at a store in Le Molay-Littry, France on 29 June 1944
Smiling French civilians at a store. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 6552 Poinsett (5) 29 June. Credit---Signal Corps...
Medical staff load an injured soldier onto a jeep in Hofen, Germany on 31 January 1945
Medical staff load an injured soldier onto a jeep. Note that units have been stricken in the caption. Official caption...
Troops walk along a road in Monschau, Germany on 3 February 1945
Troops walk along a road. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 11631 3 Feb. Credit...US Army Signal Corps. Photog...T/5 Robert...
Corpses piled up outside a building in a concentration camp, likely in Europe, circa 1945
Corpses piled up outside a building in a concentration camp. Unknown location, likely in Europe.
Photographer Allan Voluck talks to another soldier in Nice, France circa 1944-45
Photographer Allan Voluck has a conversation with another soldier outside of a hotel being used as the headquarters of...
Army engineers repair damage to a dike in Cherbourg, France on 2 July 1944
Army engineers repair damage to a dike. Official caption: "Confidential. ETO HQ 44 [Illegibile] 2 July 44. Signal Corps...
American soldiers place dead German soldiers in a truck in Nennig, Germany on 30 January 1945
American soldiers place dead German soldiers in a truck. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 11006 30 Jan. Credit...US Army...
A man weaves a large basket in Paris, France circa 1945
A man weaves a large basket in a marketplace outside of a Paris Métro station. Personal caption: "Latin Quarter." Paris...
A soldier in the field opening a gift package in Germany on 08 December 1944
A soldier in the field opening a gift package. Note that the unit has been stricken in the caption. Official caption: "...
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