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Road to Balete Pass built by 65th Eng Battalion for 25th Infantry Division near Carranglan in the Philippines on 14 March 1945
"Road to Balete Pass built by 65th Eng Bn for 25th Inf Div." 14 March 1945
Filipino litter bearers carry out the dead of 25th Division in the Philippines in 1945
"Filipino litter bearers carry out dead of 25 Div[Division]." [1945]
Wounded 25th Division Soldier helped to an aid station in the Philippines in 1945
"Wounded 25th Div Soldier helped to aid station." [1945]
25th Infantry Division troops burn out a Japanese pill box at Baguio in the Philippines on 23 March 1945
"25th Div troops burn out Jap pill box." 23 March 1945
US Army soldiers debarking from LCI(L)-330, New Georgia Islands, 1943
Photograph. United States Army soldiers of the 25th Infantry Division debarking from the USS LCI(L)-330 during a beach...
25th Infantry Division troops cross rugged terrain near the Balete Pass in the Philippines in 1945
"25th Div troops cross rugged terrain near Balete Pass." [1945]
Japanese 105 mm gun destroyed by 25th Division artillery near Carranglan in the Philippines on 15 March 1945
"Jap 105 mm gun destroyed by 25th Div artillery." 15 March 1945
25th Division observers direct artillery fire near Naguilian in the Philippines in 1945
"25th Div observers direct artillery fire." [1945]
25th Division GIs advance over the Balete Pass on Luzon near Carranglan in the Philippines in 1945
"25th Div G.I.s advance over Balete Pass, Luzon." [1945]
Japanese tanks abandoned in the face of a 25th Infantry Division attack near Nueva Ecija in the Philippines in 1945
"Jap [Japanese] tanks abandoned in face of 25th Div attack." [1945]
The 25th Infantry Division's Field Artillery Battalion blasts Japanese positions with a night barrage at the Balete Pass near Carranglan in the Philippines on 28 March 1945
"Field artillery Bn, 25th Div blasts Jap positions with night barrage, Balete Pass." 28 March 1945
The 25th Infatnry Division's Field Artillery Battalion blasts Japanese positions with a night barrage at the Balete Pass near Carranglan in the Philippines on 28 March 1945
"Field artillery Bn, 25th Div blasts Jap positions with night barrage, Balete Pass." 28 March 1945
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