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Bale, Edward Vietnam
Edward Bale was G4 of the 1st Marine Division and then Chief of Staff of that Division during the Vietnam War. As the...
Jones, Gerry Postwar
At war's end, Gerry Jones was on Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa, Japan] preparing to invade mainland Japan. They...
Cale, Sterling Treating Wounded on Guadalcanal
Sterling Cale was assigned to the 1st Marine Division right after Pearl Harbor. He did not have a proper Marine uniform...
McHardy, Arthur Preparing to Invade Japan
After being stationed in the Aleutian Islands [Annotator's Note: Alaska], Arthur McHardy was sent to Newport, Rhode...
Morgan, Thomas Early Life, Enlistment and Boot Camp
Thomas Edgar Morgan, Sr., was born in September 1920 in Bossier City, Louisiana with one sister. He grew up in...
McHardy, Arthur Duty in China
[Annotator's Note: Arthur McHardy was stationed in Tientsin, China with the 1st Marine Division.] He was sent to guard...
Morgan, Thomas Guadalcanal
Thomas Edgar Morgan, Sr. was discharged from the Marines as a Sergeant. While fighting on Guadalcanal [Annotator's Note...
Stix, Charles Returning Home
Charles Stix left Guam [Annotator's Note: Guam, Mariana Islands] after the atomic bombs [Annotator’s Note: Nuclear...
Morgan, Thomas Gavutu and Guadalcanal
Thomas Edgar Morgan, Sr. was assigned to the 1st Marine Division (Reinforced) when they hit Gavutu [Annotator's Note:...
Johnson, Burton Mortar School to Peleliu
Burton "Burt" Johnson went to mortar school [Annotator's Note: M2 60mm mortar at Camp Elliot in San Diego, California...
Bowsher, Walter Postwar Incidents
Walter Bowsher worked on an effort called the Mount Fuji Project which was supposedly building a children's playground...
Johnson, Burton Wounded on Okinawa
Burton "Burt" Johnson was on Pavuvu [Annotator's Note: Pavuvu, Russell Islands with the 1st Marine Division]. He never...
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