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1st Cavalry Division soldiers walking past a dead Japanese soldier, Manila
Photograph. 1st Cavalry Division soldiers walking past a dead Japanese soldier lying between tracks; war-damaged...
US Army 1st Cavalry Division advancing past Japanese tank traps, Philippines
Photograph. United States Army 1st Cavalry Division soldiers advancing over Japanese tank traps in a war-damaged jungle...
Privates Mroz and Ruggreri of the 1st Cavalry Division man a .30 Cal water-cooled machine gun near Manila on Luzon in the Philippines in 1945
"1st Cav Div man 30 cal water cooled machine gun." [1945]
Filipino men carrying supplies to the 1st Cavalry Division, Leyte, Philippines
Photograph. Long line of Filipino men carrying supplies up a hill to the 1st Cavalry Division. Official caption on...
1st Cavalry demolition squad removes Japanese mines in the Philippines in 1945
"1st Cav demolition squad removes Jap mines." [1945]
1st Cavalry demolition squad removes Japanese mines in the Philippines in 1945
"1st Cav demolition squad removes Jap mines." [1945]
Wounded F troop, 1st Cavalry soldier carried by Filipinos in the Philippines in 1945
"Wounded "F" troop, 1st Cav G.I. carried by Filipinos." [1945]
M4 tank of 1st Cavalry hits mine near Manila on 9 March 1945
"M4 tank of 1st Cav hits mine near Manila." 9 March 1945
Two Army servicemen sit atop their horses at an unknown location in the 1940s
Two Army servicemen sit atop their horses; a 1st Cavalry patch can be seen on the arm of the man on the right. Caption...
Members of the 1st Cavalry Division aboard the USS Rutland off Japan on 2 September 1945
Members of the 1st Cavalry Division aboard the USS Rutland in Tokyo Bay. From donor's notes: "1st Cavalry on #2 Hatch...
Filipinos on outrigger canoes or bancas near Mindanao in September 1945
View from ship looking down onto Filipinos on bancas or outrigger canoes; long knotted ropes hang in the foreground...
Sailors relaxing in Plaza Pershing in Zamboanga, Mindanao on 12 September 1945
Sailors relaxing in Plaza Pershing in Zamboanga, Mindanao. From donor's notes: "The Plaza, Zambo Anga, Mindanao." 12...
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