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Filipino guerrillas help carry US wounded in the Philippines in 1945
"Filipino guerrillas help carry US wounded." [1945]
A Piper J-3 Cub flies low over a small jungle creek at an unknown location in the 1940s
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. A Piper J-3 Cub (L-4) flies low over a small jungle creek, soldiers and their...
Exterior view of a Filipino church used as a hospital for the wounded at Palo, Leyte in the Philippines in October 1944
Exterior view of a Filipino church used as a hospital for the wounded. "Church at Palo used as hospital by Army." Palo...
Two soldiers in a tractor tow a trailer full of supplies up a mountainside as two natives trek up the hill by foot at Talesea, New Britain in 1944
Two soldiers in a tractor tow a trailer full of supplies up a mountainside as two natives trek up the hill by foot. "...
Two soldiers, one with a clipboard, talk inside of a truck at an unknown location in the 1940s
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Two soldiers, one with a clipboard, talk inside of a truck. Location unknown....
A G.I. aims a bazooka at an enemy position in the Philippines in 1945
"G.I. aims bazooka at enemy position." Philippines [1945]
Soldiers of the 185th Infantry Regiment climb down rope nets onto LCVPs during amphibious training exercises off Guadalcanal on 9 March 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Soldiers of the 185th Infantry Regiment (40th Infantry Division) climb down rope...
Philippine countryside scenes in 1944
"Philippine countryside scenes." Philippines. 1944.
Lumber and sandbags used as a coastal defense position at New Britain in August 1944
Lumber and sandbags used as a coastal defense position. "Coastal defense positions are prepared at possible attack...
Pieces of lumber are loaded into the back of a CCKW during construction at Cape Gloucester, New Britain in August 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Pieces of lumber are loaded into the back of a CCKW during construction on Cape...
161st Signal Photographic Company combat cameraman shoots the action near Carranglan in the Philippines in 1945
"161st Sig Photo combat cameraman shoots action." [1945]
An LVT on the shores of Guadalcanal during amphibious training exercises on 12 March 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. An LVT (Landing Vehicle Tracked) on the shores of Guadalcanal during amphibious...
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