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Coast Guard landing US Army soldiers on Luzon beach, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. United States Army soldiers debarking from a Coast Guard-piloted landing craft onto a beach; landing craft...
US Coast Guard pharmacist tending to a wounded soldier, Luzon, 1945
Photograph. United States Coast Guard pharmacist tending to a wounded soldier on a beach. Official caption on front: "...
US Army soldiers advancing over sandy terrain, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. United States Army soldiers walking next to a M4 Sherman tank with deep wading vents over sandy terrain; a...
US Army soldiers storming onto a beach, Luzon, 1945
Photograph. Distant view of United States Army soldiers debarking from landing craft onto a beach during an amphibious...
Bodies of US Coast Guardmen killed during the attack on the USS Callaway, Lingayen Gulf, 1945
Photograph. Bodies of dead Coast Guardsmen wrapped in white sheets on a ship deck. Official caption on front: "Coast...
Wounded servicemen receiving aid on a beach, Luzon, 1945
Photograph. Wounded United States troops lying on a beach and receiving emergency medical treatment from other...
Filipino men greeting American liberators on a beach, Luzon, 1945
Photograph. Crowd of Filipino men running on beach toward an United States Army soldier. Official caption on front: "...
USS Callaway firing at Japanese bombers, Lingayen Gulf, 1945
Photograph. Clouds of anti-aircraft flack above the USS Callaway (APA-35) and another Coast Guard attack transport ship...
Landing craft burning in Lingayen Gulf, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Smoke rising from a burning American landing craft; M4 Sherman tanks with deep wading vents arriving on a...