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Mediterranean Theater of Operations (MTO) (1)
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British cruiser escorting a convoy to North Africa
Photograph. British Royal Navy cruiser underway to North Africa, as seen from the deck of another ship. Official...
US soldiers storming the coast of North Africa, 1942
Photograph. American soldiers debarking PD29-4 and PD29-3 [from the attack transport USS Thomas Stone (APA-29)] and...
Gen. Lucian King Truscott, Jr. speaking to 3rd Army Division troops
Photograph. United States Army General Lucian King Truscott, Jr. speaking to 3rd Army Division troops outdoors....
US Army troops near destroyed German tanks
Photograph. United States Army troops gathered around destroyed German tanks on the side of dirt road in a desert....
US Army soldiers on forward defense line
Photograph. United States Army aiming their rifles while lying in prone position in a ditch. Official caption on front...
US Army soldiers advancing up a hill, 1942
Photograph. United States Army soldiers advancing up a hill; a coastline is in the background. Official caption on...
US Army soldiers manning machine guns, 1942
Photograph. United States Army soldiers lying in prone position and manning machine guns. Official caption on front: "U...
US servicemen preparing for amphibious invasions, North Africa
Photograph. United States servicemen debarking from landing craft onto a beach during preparation for future invasions...
US Army soldiers firing M101 Howitzer towards enemy, 1943
Photograph. United States Army soldiers firing a M101 Howitzer behind a war-damaged building. Official caption on front...