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USCG sailors at anti-aircraft battlestations
Photograph. United States Coast Guard sailors at anti-aircraft battle stations. The sailors are manning the 40mm Bofors...
USCG sailors posing on the deck of LST-170
Photograph. United States Coast Guard sailors posing for a photograph on the deck of LST-170. An African American...
African American Marines on a ship deck, Pacific Ocean
Photograph. African American Marines posing on a ship deck. Official caption on reverse: "From: Public Relations...
African American Marines relaxing on ship deck, Pacific Ocean
Photograph. Three African American Marines relaxing on a ship deck. Two are smoking and one is reading. Official...
Sailors participating in the line-crossing ceremony
Photograph. An African American sailor laughing while another sailor paints his forehead. Pacific Ocean. No date
USCG sailors posing on the deck LST-170
Photograph. United States Coast Guard sailors posing on the deck of LST-170. Two African American sailors are kneeling...
USCG sailor getting a haircut aboard LST-170
Photograph. Unidentified USCG sailor getting a hiarcut on the deck of LST-170. The "barber stool" apears to be two...
USCG sailors posing aboard LST-170
Photograph. Unidentified United States Coast Guard sailors posing aboard LST-170 by the stern anchor wench. The sailor...
African American USCG sailors posing in front of .50 cal anti-aircraft gun
Photograph. Four African American United States Coast Guard sailors posing in front of a MK21 .50 cal mount aboard LST-...