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Allied vehicles and troops on Balikpapan Beach, Borneo, July 1945
Photograph. Allied vehicles and troops among equipment, debris, damaged buildings, and damaged palm trees on Balikpapan...
War damaged dwellings near canal on Tarakan Island, near Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. War damaged dwellings near canal. Notice more dwellings under the coconut palm trees on the right side....
Australian soldier walking on a dirt road on Labuan Island, near Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Australian soldier walking on a dirt road with two Jeeps in front of him and damaged buildings on the right...
Australian soldiers entering a war damaged oil refinery near Lutong, Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Australian soldiers entering a war damaged oil refinery. Official Caption: "Supplied by Military History...
Australian troops and 2-½ ton trucks near tower on Labuan Island, near Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Australian troops and 2-½ ton trucks surrounding a tower and trees in war damaged city area. Note the crane...
Tropical jungle on Tarakan Island, near Borneo, May 1945
Photograph. View of tropical jungle. Note the effects of artillery fire. Official Caption: "Supplied by Military...
Australian power shovel clearing debris on Labuan Island, near Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Australian power shovel ("steam shovel") clearing debris in war damaged area. Official Caption: "Supplied...
Australian landing craft on a beach at low tide at Tarakan Island, near Borneo, May 1945
Photograph, aerial. View of three LSTs (Landing Ship, Tank) and one LCI (Landing Craft, Infantry) on a beach at low...
Bomb damaged airfield on Tarakan Island, near Borneo, May 1945
Photograph, aerial. View of bomb damaged airfield. Note the bomb craters and rebuilding effort on the ground. Official...
Tropical jungle on Tarakan Island, near Borneo, May 1945
Photograph. View of tropical jungle. Note the effects of artillery fire. Official Caption: "Supplied by Military...